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Application for Proration of Property Taxes For county use only <br /> Due to Damage by Fire or Act of God Date received <br /> Oregon Revised Statutes(ORS)308.425 <br /> Instructions: <br /> •Application for proration of property taxes may be made for the tax year of the property damage/destruction,if approved,this may reduce the amount <br /> of tax due or result in a tax refund.The tax year is from July 1 to June 30. <br /> •Your application must be filed within 60 days of the damage or by June 30 of the tax year in which the damage occurred,whichever is later. <br /> •File your application with the county tax collector of the county in which your damaged property is located. <br /> Applicant's name <br /> CW SPECIALTY 5 <br /> LUMBER(along with)COOPER WAGNER PROPERTIES LLC ho <br /> Mailing address 5033e-551-8933 <br /> PO BOX 1159 Email(optional) <br /> <br /> Mill City State ZIP code <br /> OR `97360 <br /> Location and description of damaged or destroyed property <br /> Assessor's account number <br /> 351017 S.1 017 <br /> Location of property(if different from above) SectionTownship g <br /> 27622 River Rd SE Mill City 25 2a Tax lot number <br /> 09S 2E 1400 <br /> Description of personal property <br /> Date of damage Cause of damage <br /> 09/08/20 0 Fire(attach fire department report) ®Act of God(describe): Beachie Creek Fire <br /> Damage occurred to <br /> ®Land ®Building ®Personal property 0 Manufactured structure <br /> Describe damage <br /> Entire operation destroyed by the fire. Including buildings, machinery,supplies and inventory. <br /> Application for proration of tax <br /> ®I am applying to have the above property examined for proration of property taxes per ORS 308.425.Application must be submitted <br /> within 60 days of damage or June 30,whichever is later. <br /> Whether my property is damaged or destroyed will be determined by the County Assessor's office.If the assessor determines my property is only dam- <br /> aged,I must notify the tax collector of the date that the damage is repaired.Such notice will serve to inform the tax collector of their duty to calculate <br /> and finalize the tax proration. <br /> Declaration <br /> I declare under the penalties for false swearing[ORS 305.990(4)]that I have examined this document and to the best of my knowledge <br /> it is true rrect,and co lete. <br /> X t� <br /> Appli nt's signature r -020 <br /> -/-).-C1,-.11* <br /> Date <br /> —Applicant will be notified of the county's decision— <br /> For tax collector's use only For assessor's use only <br /> Date received: Z- '-2) Cleric / Date received: I Z/D II?AZo Clerk: ZOV- L( <br /> Damaged property �e <br /> This year Land and improve n <br /> Real market value jLefo RMV after <br /> Date rebuild complete: Months prorated: <br /> fire/act of God: 7 !��O d fire/act of God: I tf l 87 <br /> Amount of adjustment/refund: <br /> Assessed value(AV)be Value cis,fire/act of God: 77 S,O SO percent of loss: ( p,5 div <br /> Destroyed Property: This year Personal property: <br /> Months prorated: RMV before RMV after <br /> fire/act of God: fire/act of God: <br /> `' AV before Value <br /> fi <br /> Amount of adjustment/ ^9 0 19 r 14 fire/act of God: percent of loss: <br /> Remarks: Date property visited: 1 7-.3//t.074. 0 Damaged Destroyed <br /> Iso-310-osa(Rev.12-15) <br />