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Finding: The applicant submitted an analysis of the potential impacts of the Comprehensive Plan <br /> Map amendment on the transportation system. The analysis was prepared by Garth Appanaitis, <br /> 41, PE. The analysis concluded proposed comprehensive plan amendment and zone map amendment <br /> would result in an increase in the site's trip potential but would not create a significant effect on <br /> the transportation system. The analysis was reviewed by the City's transportation planning <br /> consultant who agreed with the methodology and conclusions. <br /> 5) The current Comprehensive Plan Map provides more than the projected need for lands in the <br /> existing land use designation. <br /> Finding: There is a total of 147 acres of land in the UGB designated as Commercial. The <br /> Comprehensive Plan was drafted before the annexation and Comprehensive Plan Map amendment <br /> of the Hillyer Ford property on Golf Lane. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that there were 6 <br /> buildable acres of land inside the UGB, and outside of the City Limits designated as commercial. <br /> Since that time, there have been about 8 acres of land annexed and designated Commercial. Staff <br /> reports that currently there are 18 acres of land inside the UGB and outside the City designated as <br /> Commercial. Staff reports there are currently 32 acres of vacant land designated Commercial <br /> within the City Limits. Since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 2013 there have been five <br /> new commercial buildings constructed. One was a new building in a shopping center complex. <br /> The other four new buildings were on a combined total of 3.7 acres of land. <br /> 6) Public facilities and services necessary to support uses allowed in the proposed designation are <br /> available or are likely to be available in the near future. <br /> Finding: There is an 8-inch water main along the east side of Golf Club Rd that extends <br /> approximately 475 feet northwest of the intersection. There is a 10-inch sewer main on the west <br /> side of Golf Club Road that extends approximately 400 feet northwest of the intersection. <br /> I ' 7) Uses allowed in the proposed designation will not significantly adversely affect existing or <br /> planned uses on adjacent lands. <br /> Finding: The property to the west is a farm field that part of a larger parcel, the majority of which <br /> is located west of the Salem Ditch and outside of the Urban Growth Boundary. The portion of this <br /> parcel that is within the Urban Growth Boundary is designated Residential by the Comprehensive <br /> Plan. The property to the north is a farm field,that is designated Residential by the <br /> Comprehensive Plan. To the south,across Shaff Road, the property is zoned Commercial Retail <br /> and currently used as a farm field. <br /> Section Official Zoning Map Amendment Approval Criteria. Pursuant to SMC <br /> the following criteria must be demonstrated as being satisfied by the application for <br /> Zoning Map amendment: <br /> 1) The proposed zone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan map designation for the subject <br /> property unless a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment has also been applied for and is <br /> otherwise compatible with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Finding: A concurrent application for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment has been filed. <br /> The applicant has requested that the portion of the property to be designated Residential by the <br /> amended Comprehensive Plan Map be zoned high Density Residential and that the portion of the <br /> property to retain Commercial designation be zoned Commercial General. <br /> 2) Existing or anticipated services (water, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, schools,police and fire <br /> protection) can accommodate potential development in the subject area without adverse impact on <br /> Ithe affected service area. <br /> ihor <br /> Ordinance No. 1045 (Land Use File#5-04/20) Page 6 of 7 <br /> Exhibit C, Findings of Fact <br />