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ONSITE SYSTEM MATERIAL LIST INSTRUCTION SHEET <br /> The Onsite System Material List is a necessary and important part of the pre-permit system plans. This document allows <br /> us to catch any potential problems before the system is installed and allows you to familiarize yourself with the materials <br /> and construction requirements for the system. This form must be completed, submitted, and approved before we can <br /> issue a permit. Once approved, this document becomes part of the permit and will be used to perform the inspection of <br /> your installed septic system. <br /> MATERIAL LIST SECTION <br /> 1. Tank information: Enter septic tank, dosing tank, or septic/dosing tank information (you will not have a dosing tank if <br /> you are constructing a gravity-flow system). <br /> a. Mfq: Is the name of the manufacturer who made the tank. <br /> b. Capacity: Is the capacity of the tank in gallons. <br /> c. Material: Is what material the septic tank is constructed from (concrete, steel, polyethylene, etc...), <br /> 2. Pumping information: This section is only for systems that use pumps, siphons, or effluent filters. Please enter the <br /> data as appropriate or skip this section if your system does not have any of these components. Be sure to include <br /> manufacturer's specifications for all sections that apply. <br /> a. Pump: Enter the manufacturer(MFG) and model of the pump. <br /> b. Hydrosplitter: If you are installing a hydrosplitter, enter the manufacturer and model. Hydrosplitter orifice <br /> selections must be obtained from the manufacturer. <br /> c. Effluent filter: If you are installing an effluent filter, enter the manufacturer and model information. <br /> d. Distribution valve: If you are installing a distribution valve, enter the manufacturer and model information. <br /> 3. Effluent transport piping information: The effluent sewer is the pipe that connects the outlet of the septic tank to <br /> the drainfield. The pressure piping is the pipe between the pump discharge and the drainfield. <br /> a. Enter information about the gravity effluent sewer as follows: <br /> Length; Is the length of the effluent sewer. <br /> Diameter. The diameter of the effluent sewer. <br /> Material: Is the actual material from which the pipe is made, and its specification number--an example would <br /> be PVC 3034. <br /> Fall: Is the difference in elevation, in inches, between the effluent sewer pipe at the outlet of the septic tank and <br /> the header pipe where it leaves the d-box. <br /> b. Enter information about pressure transport piping as follows: <br /> Length: Enter the length of the pressure piping from the tank to the drainfield,the hydrosplitter, or the start of <br /> the pressure network. <br /> Diameter Enter the diameter of the pressure piping that you are going to use. <br /> Material: Enter the actual material from which the pipe is made and its specification number--an example <br /> would be PVC 1120. <br /> PSI: Enter the pressure rating (pounds per square inch or PSI)of the pressure piping that you are going to use. <br /> 4. Disposal trenches: <br /> a. Distribution technique: Check the box next to the distribution technique you are going to use. <br /> b. Total Linear Footage: Is the total length of the perforated pipe, chambers, or other approved disposal media. It <br /> does not include headers or other solid pipe. <br /> c. Drain Media: Check the box to indicate which media you are going to use. Include the total depth of the <br /> drainfield rock(if it is being used), and the depth of the drainfield rock below the pipe. <br /> d. Trench Depth: Is the minimum and maximum depth of the trench below the original ground surface. <br /> e. Capping Fill Depth: If you are constructing a capping fill drainfield enter the depth of the fill material above the <br /> original ground surface. <br /> f. Setbacks from Wells: Enter the distance (in feet)from the well to the septic tank,to the sand filter or other <br /> treatment device, and to the drainfield. <br /> 5. Dewatering Systems: (If used) <br /> a. Check the box next to the dewatering system that is required. <br /> b. Trench Depth: Is the depth of the dewatering trench below the original ground surface. <br /> c. Drain Media: Check the box to indicate which media you are going to use. Include the total depth of the <br /> drainfield rock(if it is being used), and,for a curtain drain, the depth of the drainfield rock below the pipe. If a <br /> curtain drain is required, filter fabric must be placed above the drain media. <br /> d. Perforated Piping: Enter the diameter and material of the perforated piping that will be used. <br />
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