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This Agreement will commence upon the date of execution of this Document and payment of <br /> Fee. This Agreement expires based on the term chosen, date of execution and/or system <br /> start-up date. <br /> 2. Frequency of Maintenance: <br /> This Agreement provides for Two (2) scheduled visits per year to perform inspection and <br /> servicing to the System. <br /> 3. Certification of System: <br /> The System Owner shall permit Santiam Septic& Drain to inspect the System to determine if it <br /> is in good working order and performing per RIDEM/OVVTS codes. Upon completion of <br /> inspection, Santiam Septic will provide System Owner with any deficiencies that are required to <br /> be corrected prior to execution of this Agreement and will provide System Owner with an <br /> estimate to correct deficiencies and will proceed only with System Owners approval. <br /> 4. Responsibility of System Owner: <br /> The System Owner is responsible for providing and/or performing the following: <br /> 1. Providing access to all System components for scheduled Maintenance <br /> 2. Provide access to a water supply to help in cleaning system <br /> In the event that the System Owner does not provide and/or perform the above items, Santiam <br /> Septic shall have the right to cease performance of all services without liability to the System <br /> Owner. <br /> 5. Services provided by Santiam Septic at Cleaning Maintenance Visit: <br /> 1. Septic/Processing Tank: <br /> A) Clean pump vault effluent filter and recirculation pump screen <br /> B) Clean RSV <br /> C) Clean control floats and check for proper operation <br /> D) Check electrical splice boxes for clean and dry connection <br /> E) Measure for scum and sludge depths in all compartments <br /> F) Secure any access cover(s)upon completion of service <br /> 2. Advance Treatment Unit(ATU): <br /> A) Access ATU and check color,odor and solid buildup <br /> B) Clean and flush laterals bottle brush if required <br /> C) Clean solid buildup(if any)and secure access cover <br /> 3. Final Disposal Pump Chamber(if applicable): <br /> A) Clean pump vault effluent filter and discharge pump screen <br /> B) Clean control floats and check for proper operation <br /> C) Check electrical splice boxes for clean and dry connections <br /> D) Measure for scum and sludge depths in all compartments <br /> E) Secure-all access cover(s)upon completion of service <br /> 4. Final Disposal Field <br /> A) Visually inspect disposal field area for signs of failure mainly, ponding,effluent breakouts,field <br /> discoloration and sinkholes. <br /> 6. Termination/Cancellation: <br />