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11054 Mill Creek Rd. SE, Aumsville <br />February 15, 1994 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />20. <br /> <br />21. <br /> <br />22. <br /> <br />of the weight from the roof can be transferred to the exterior walls of <br />the manufactured dwelling. <br /> <br />Rafters shall be nailed to ceiling joists to form a continuous tie <br />between exterior walls where joist are parallel to the rafters. Where <br />not parallel, rafters shall be tied with a rafter tie, located at or <br />near the plate as practical. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 <br />feet on center. <br /> <br />Provide 2x6 stud wall framing at 16" on center or provide rigid <br />insulation board under the siding in combination with the insulation in <br />the wall for a total of R-18.5. <br /> <br />No insulation is noted on plans for the floor, walls and ceiling. <br />Comply with the following requirements: <br /> <br />Energy Path ~1 is based on R-21 wall insulation, R-25 underfloor <br />insulatiion~ R-30 vaulted ceiling insulation, R-38 flat ceiling <br />insulation, R-21 basement walls, R-15 slab floor edge insulation, <br />forced air duct insulation, 0.40 U-value window class, 0.50 U-value <br />skylight class, 0.54 U-value main entry door with a maximum of 24 square <br />feet and 0.20 U-value doors, other than the main entry (including the <br />door between the heated dwelling and the unheated garage). <br /> <br />Approval as a result of this plan review or an inspection shall not be <br />construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the dwelling <br />code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Reviews or inspections <br />presuming to give authority tO violate or cancel the provisions of the <br />dwelling code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. <br /> <br />"APPROVED" only when this sheet is attached to plans <br /> <br /> <br />