I,:Xllllll'l' A.
<br />
<br />Road SI,;, M~rke~ J{,()/Ifl No. 2~), hl 8eetima :~g of 'l'mvnslfip 8 ~outh,
<br />West off l, he Wilhmletl.e Meridinn ami t, he Enst; ]in(~ oF t;Jl~l~ cerJ;ain tract of
<br />land conv(~ymt Lo Ni(:lc IL J(renler and I~r:llic()~ l(renmr J)y deed recorded
<br />Volume ;~0~l, J~:l~e 'l~5, ~arJ()ll (]otlllty J)egcl I~.ecord~ and J'tl[lllJll~
<br />Norl,h 73° 56' Weal,, along aaid rigid, ~f way ibm, 1,02(I (kmt; LJmnce Norl,h
<br />0,1' l';:mt;, at right al)~Jes t,o s;dd right el* why line, 1'35 feet; thence South
<br />dO' I']asL, 153 I~}el.; Lhen(x~ ~ouLh I(;' Od' We.t:, aL righC nn~loo Lo said Mill
<br />Creek R,oad riffh(, of way line, I(;B I~:et;, more er less, (,o a I)OJllJ; JO I~oL North
<br />16° 04' I(]as(; of a point (m ~.id )'i~ht o/' why lima which is 870 feet lYmn Lhe
<br />point oF t)c~imfin~; tlmnee ~(ml,h 73° ~(i' I,]:mt, pnralJel (:(} and lO feet
<br />
<br />Krem~r tract: It',asr, line; I,hem:e Smd, herly ahm~ ~aid line to Lbo point:
<br />
<br />
<br />A parcel of land lying in the Allen ,I. {)avia I)mmLi(m I,mul Claim No.
<br />Towushil) 8 South. R:m~l(~ 1 W{mt, Willamette Meridim~, Marion Count, y,
<br />Ore~cm, nnd being a portion oF l;ha~ [)rop(~rt, y described in ~hose deeds to State
<br />of Oregon, by and throm~h its StaLe llighway (/ommission, recorded in ik)ok
<br />483, [>ago 40, and in IIook 51.3, Page 189 of Marion (Jomd;y Records of Deeds;
<br />thc said par(:et beir)g thnt. peri;ion of ~aid properly sil:uaLed in said Donation
<br />Imnd Claim No. 66, ~vhic:h Ilea Sot,th~ve~Lerly of Um l~ll(~wing described line:
<br />
<br />l:}egisming nt, a point: ~)pl>osit.e :md log feel Smd:hwest,m-ly of 8ration
<br />on t, he cen~er line of Lbo reh~cated Nm'l:h Sant:ia,n I lighway; thence South 52
<br />54' ;10" I~;ast. parallel Lo and 1,00 feel Smd, hwesl;erly of said center [h]o, ~o
<br />point; opposite Station (18,115(I on saict center llne; Lhene(~ S(mtheas~erly in a
<br />
<br />Southwesl:erly of said centre' linc, t;o a poinl; opposite SI,al;im~ (;90-100 on
<br />cent:er llne. The ce,tm- line herein relbrred Lo })ein~ described as
<br />
<br />Beginning af~ li~ngi~mcr's center li,e ,citation 641-~.(13.7!), said Station being
<br />(;35.71 fi~e[ North and 2{~71.82 I~et West of Lhe Snutheast cromer o~ the ~101m
<br />Taylor I)(amLirm [,:md Claim No. 43, Towtmhip 8 Soul:h, l?.ange I. Weg[,
<br />WilhmmU,e ~4eridi;m; thence S,mt, h 52° 54' 30" l,',nsL. 5:188.57 feet to Station
<br />
<br />PaEe k~, l';,'tsemenL - 9,~-2,14!)-Nm'th ,qauliam Veneer
<br />
<br />
<br />