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])EPART~ OF ~P~0NI~TA~ QUALTI~' ser. no. 2-77-12 rec. ~4812 <br /> FOR <br /> <br />3180 Center St. NE, Room 220 <br />Salem, Oregon 9730~ <br /> <br />FEE gGHEDDLE: <br />Nou-reftmdable $37.50 p~r lot <br /> <br />applisa~en. <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL (Attach Plot Plan as Exhibit A) <br /> Section ~ ,; T~sh~p (~ ; Y~uge //~. ; Gouncy of~-~oJ. Oregon; Ta~ lot, <br /> <br /> or the seating capacity: <br /> <br />TEST HOLE <br />~e Ho~site: You will not ne~d ~o di~ =es~ holes ~l~s ~tif~d. <br /> <br /> ~d 4 ft. deep~ and 75 ft. apart i~ the p~posed <br /> Tea= hol~ ( ) ha~ been pre~a~e4 ( ) will be prepared ~y ................... <br /> (date) <br /> <br />I HEREBY RBQU~ST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ~I~IRDNMENTAL QUALITY A 8TAT~T OF ~I~ILI~ OF <br /> <br />Address of Applic~t~ ~ff~ ~. ~. <br /> .......... Title ~r~ ~en~ ....... <br /> <br />***************************************************************************************** <br /> (for DEQ or Agent ~e only) <br /> <br />Counts and reeo~endattons ba~e4 ~ Subsarface Site Investigation by DEQ or Contract <br /> <br /> The soils ~ the am~ of ~e p~pos~ homesite a~ s~m~lar ~o ~ ~ <br /> silt lo~. 8i1~ cla~ loam at ~¢". ~ttl~g was obse~ed at 6" to 8~ <br /> bel~ the sumfaoe in the lowem a=eas ~d 1~" to 1%" below the s~faoe in <br /> the ~em amens. <br /> <br /> DEQ Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules: Section 71-030 (l-d) requires that <br /> a temporarily perched water table (as iudicate~ by mottli~g) cau~ot be <br /> less tha~ 2~" bel~ ~e gr~d s~face. - <br /> <br />~e to the above conditions, this propo~ c~ot be approved for sub- <br />s~face se~ge disposal. <br /> <br />At yOUr request,a recheck of t~ p~pe~ will be made d~ing ~e wet <br />winter months ~o dete~e the ac~al level of the seaso-~l ~ter table. <br />~ to the lack of ra~all t~s ~e~, t~s recheck could not be ~de <br /> <br /> <br />