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Marion County <br /> <br /> OREGON <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />DEPARTMENT <br /> <br />VICTORIA ZELLER <br />7555 POET ROAD SE <br />AUMSVILL~ ORE, 9732~ <br /> <br />SUBJ: SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIR EVALUATION <br />SITE NUMBER; 1043 <br />LEGAL: T.~$,, R.3W, S~CT. 25 <br />75~5 POET HOADt AUMSVILLE~ ORE. ~7325 <br /> <br />I revisited this ~=operty S/5/91 and examined the two test pits that <br />your eontrastor prepared for the se~ic system repair evaluation. <br />The lot size and existing development severel~ ~imit the Nepal? <br />possibilities and the soil conditions I observed ~=event eonsiderin~ <br />any repair other than an alternative sand ~ilte= system. Even th~ <br />sand filter eepai= ~ay D~ subS=a~dard to current rules pertaining <br />suDsurfaee sewage <br />I suggest that you work with your installer to lay out the <br />repair for review by our department. <br /> <br />Refer ~o the enclosed sand filter cons%ruction detail ~heet which <br />outlines th~ minim~ construction standards, see also =he se~ba~ <br />list for min~um separation distances between septic systems an~ <br />other featureS, some additio~al investiga%&on may be necessary <br />establish the location of existing ~e~ic ~y~t~ co~nents. Keep <br /> <br />ensure l= is waterti~ht or whether it must b~ replaced wi~h <br />watertight dosing se~i¢ tank. <br /> <br />during the d~y su~er ~eason because marginal ~oil conditions coul4 <br />~eopardize the repai~ once th~ soils wet up fr~ the fall rai~ <br />Submit detailed repair 91ans to our offi=e for r~vi~. We would <br />to issue the repair ~it ~s ~ickly as possible to alleviate <br />heal=h hazard ~r~at~d by th~ failing se~ic <br /> <br />Call~ if you have any ~estions. I ~ usually in ~he office between <br />and ~0 ~. <br /> <br />LEE A. ORIMES <br />SOIL SCIENTIST <br />Mk%RION COUNTX ~UILDIN~ <br /> <br />Senator Building 220 High Street NE ' Salem, Oregon 97301-3670 <br /> <br /> <br />