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~'rATE OF OREC, ON <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY <br /> <br />REPORT OF EVALUATION FOR ONE LOT <br /> ON~IT~ ~WAGE SYSTEM~ <br /> <br />The Entire Prol~r~y ~i~ Has <br /> ~ Not Been Evaluated <br /> <br />PLOT PLAN OF APPROVABLE ARE.~ <br /> <br />For Office U~e O~ly <br /> <br />Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for tI~ on-~ite 8y~cem or replaCement area may void thio <br />approval. <br />This appl~)val is given on the basis that the lot or parcel described abeva will not be further partitioned or subdivided and <br />that conditiorm on subject or adjacent properties have not been altered in any manner which would prohibit izsuance of a <br />permit in accordance with O_R_S. 454.605 through 454.755 and Administrative Rules of the Envlronmental Quality <br />Commiz~iou. Any such subdivision, partitionlng or alteration may void thim report. <br /> <br />The zite has been found suitable for in~tallation of the following kind~ of on-site sewage disposal systems, with the <br />Il mitati~ _and ~f~tition~l)requiremerkts it~cli~at~: . <br />..... ................... <br /> <br />WARNING: This dOCument is a technical report for on-site sewage dispmml 0nly. It may be converted to a p~rmit only <br /> if, at the time of application, t2~ parcel ha~ be~n found to be compatible with appllceb]e LCDC- <br /> acknowledged local comprehensive land use plana and implementing measures or the Statewide Planning <br /> Goals, The Statement of Compatibility may be made on ~ attached fora or it~ equivalent. Authorized <br /> Ageut approval is required before a con~2:~J~q;ion permit can be issued. <br />Th~,p~,~:?. valjil_un~ff~on-~e sewage, system is inztalled pursuant to a cor~tru,tion permit obtained from <br />__.~:.. ~v~._~ ~ t~:~-~, ~ ~orr until-earlier cancellation, pursuant to Commission rules, with written notice <br />them,of b~y ?.e Department of/Envu,,o.nmental Quality. to the owners according to Deportment record~ or the County tax <br />recores./~lub~ct,~~~~to^th~ ~rego~pg, this report rum ~w~th ~ae land and will automaticallyg~.~/_~Z ~benefit subcequent,ownera.~_ frO, <br /> <br /> <br />