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Marion County <br /> <br /> OREGON <br />COMMUNITY DEV[ .LOPMENT <br /> DEPARTMENT <br /> <br />September 9, 1991 <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />STEVE AND CAROL sTURDIvANT <br />8561 LITTLE ROAD SE <br />AUMSVILLE, OREGON 97325 <br /> <br />FROM: L~E A.GRIMES, MARION COUNTY, BUILDING INSPECTIONS <br />SUBJECT= S~PTIC SYST~M RF~PAiR EVALUATION: T. 8S, R. 2W, <br /> SECTION 36~ 8561 LITTLE ROAD AUMSVILLE, OREGON <br /> <br />I stopped by this property and examined the two soil test <br />pits. Mottling in the soil profile indicates that the <br />winter water table is to high to consider this site for <br />any system other than t/~e sand filter system as a "full <br />code" repair. You are probably aware, the sand filter <br />system is a rather expensive system. As a repair, you <br />might want to consider something less, such as a iow <br />pressure distributionl installation in lieu of the sand <br />filter. Keep in mind'i however, that anything other than <br />the sand filter is substandard to current rules pertain- <br />ing to subsurface ~ <br /> sewage disposal, and as such there is <br />some risk that another repair might not perform at all <br />times without some problem. <br /> <br />I suggest that you consider the low pressure system as a <br />repair for two reasons. The first is that the low pres- <br />sure system distributes the effluent evenly over the <br />entire drainfield through smaller pres;uti;ed distribu- <br />tion laterals. This :prevents saturated flow from one <br />small area of a single drainline into the shallow region- <br />al water table. The second reason is that the pressure <br />distribution utilizes the same kind of effluent pump that <br />a sand filter system employs ~o that pumping unit will <br />already be in place i~ the alternate system should prove <br />inadeq~/ate. <br /> <br /> <br />