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~YJqlB IT A <br /> <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of George Neal D.L.C. No. 49, township ~ <br />south~ range 2 west~ and No. 39, township 9 south, range 1 west of th~ W.M. in <br />Marion County, Oregon, running thence south 89 degrees 30' east along the north <br />boundz~y line of said claim 36.O4 chains to the southeast corner o£ Calvin Nea!'s <br />Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence south 32° east 1 0.36 chains; thence north <br />76° east 19 chains, more or less, to the dividing lire dividing the George <br />Neal claim i~to east and west halves~ thence south along said division line <br />&l chains~ more or less~ to the northeast corner of that certain 100 acre tract <br />devised to the heirs of Mi]lie A. Neal, deceased; thence westerly along the <br />north boundry lime cZ Said 1 CO acres tract to the west line of the George Neal <br />and Wife D.L.G.; thence north 2~°1~, west along said west boundry line of said <br />D.L.C., ~O ckain~ more or less, except from the above describer premises, the <br />1OO acres described in that certain deed reco=ded on page 18~ o£ volume 12~ <br />of the Records of Deeds in and £or Marion county, Oregon. <br /> <br />SA.VE AND EXG~PT: Beginning at a point where the center line of the county <br />road intersects the North line of the 1OO acre tract devised to the heirs of <br />MilJLie A. Meals deceased, ih the George Neal Donation Land Claim ~49 in Town- <br />ship 9 Sc~th, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and r~mning thence F~st <br />along said lzn to the southeast corner of prermises conveyed to H. warren Russell, <br />et al, bM d~ed recorded in volume 462 on page 755 of the deed records of Marion <br />county, Oregon~ thence north along the East ]Jne of said Russell premises and <br />along the East amd West diviseon line of said claim 300 feet; ~hence West to <br />the center line of said road; thence south 26°O5' east to the place of beginning, <br />contaixting 1/2 acre of land, more or less, Marion Oounty, Oregon. <br /> <br /> <br />