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December 6, 1994 <br /> <br />APPLICANT~ <br />SITE NU~EER~ <br /> <br />94-4133, LOT 6, BLOCK 4, PATTON ADDITION <br /> <br /> Your site ha~ been found suitable for a STANDARD ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL <br />sYSTEM. The following construction specifications shall apply to the installa- <br />tion of your septic system. <br /> <br />1. The septic tank shall have a minimum liquid capacity of ~ <br /> gallons. <br /> <br />The projected daily sewage flow fe~ =his projeot is calculated at <br />4~0 ~allons Der day. Based on soil conditions observed on this <br />site, the dis~sal field will be sized at 75 lineal feet Der 150 <br />~allon~ of proJeoted daily Sewag~ flow, A minimum O{ 225 lineal <br />feet of disposal field will be required for your proposed develop- <br />ment. The disposal trenches are constructed two (2) feet wide and <br />on minimum ten (10) foot centers and with no line e~ceeding 125 <br />feet in length, The trenches and perforated pipe are installed <br />level (~1-) and ~O~toured tO f~llow the natural ground s~face. <br /> <br />The disposal field shall be construoted with se~i~.l distribut.ion <br />with a minimum trench depth of ~ and a maximum trench <br />depth of 36 inches. The~e must be at least 12 inches Of backfill <br />over the tO~ Of the graVel~ measured from the natural g~eusd <br /> <br /> This approval is site specific SO the area tee=ed and the septic System <br />must be located in the immediate a~ea of the test ~its unless otherwise autho- <br />rized by this office. A new site evaluation may be requi=ed if the system is <br />proposed for a different area on the property. <br /> <br />SPECIAL CONDITIONS: <br /> The drainfields must be installed as far upslo~e as possible to allow <br /> space for a complete replacement system. A p~e-~er~it field stakeout is <br /> required te establi.~h ~he ele~ations and looa~ions of the individual <br /> lines of both drainfleldS. Alternative seepage trenches or a sand filter <br /> system can be considered for the replacement system if Space is not <br /> available to =its a complete standard replacement drainfield. Refe~ to <br /> the stakeout prooed~re and the setback list for details to complete the <br /> stakeout. Use care not ~e alter the natural topsell ~rior to drainfield <br /> <br /> limitations of the steep slope and wooded hillside. <br /> <br />UNTIL A VALID PErdita,S B~EN ISSUED BY <br /> <br /> <br />