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TUFFSHED® <br /> <br /> There was an issue addressed to Tuff Shed Inc. by the homeowner <br />which was not addressed in the letter from Chuck Monschein of <br />Marion County. This is the issue of mold on the interior of the <br />roof structure. It is known that the l%unber was wet when <br />installed, and that there was not proper ventilation installed at <br />the time of construction. Tuff Shed Inc. has since installed <br />two roof vent~ with intakes on the gable end of the garage at nc, <br />charge. It is our belief that because of the weather in th~ <br />northwest, we would ~efer to the molding lumber as standard in <br />the industry. We have also investigated this issue and are awa~e <br />that there is no structural damage poss~bie frcm the mold. Our <br />recommendation is that the garage has ~ple time to ventilate <br />prior to any insulation or paneling being installed. <br /> <br /> The final issue is that of the concrete pad. The concrete <br />slab is relatively flat from re=r to front of pad. There is the <br />noted exception in the center area of the pad approximately 16" <br />in from the front entry way, in which there allows for standing <br />water. We are aware that there is also water being allowed in <br />around the main entry door. Our proposal to prevent both the <br />water coming in and the water ponding is as shown in attached <br />diagram. We believe that this cut and re-p~ur of the concrete <br />will resolve these issues and allow for the movement of liquids <br />through the main entry. <br /> <br /> In closing, we reiterate our intent to resolve the issues <br />mentioned above in a timely manner and agree to work with the <br />homeowner to satisfy these and any other concerns or warranty <br /> <br /> T~al~ you for your time, <br /> <br /> Day <br /> Tuff Shed inc. <br /> <br />TUFF SHED, Inc. · 6500 NE Halsey S~reet · Portland, Oregon 97213 · (503) 288-TUFF · FAX 288-2949 <br /> <br /> <br />