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DEC-21-98 MON 15;54 ARBUCKLE COSTIC ARCH INC FAX N0, 5035813655 P.16/20 <br />'. <br />~.~ Lerch. Bc~t~s & Associ~t~s I nc <br />NY-4/41 - 9/1.1,/98 <br />Courthouse Square <br />LBNA #300G50 <br />Pa~e2of6 <br />B. Construction Documents Phase <br />5. I'rovide azchitectural layout drawings for the vertical traosportation <br />equipment. Prvvide writtcn camments along ~~vith advice, assistance or <br />informatioii on any items related to the drawings, as requested by the <br />Architect. NOTE: Drawings eatt be pro~zded on the Arehitect's vellwns_ <br />a. Provide information for interface with other engineering <br />disciplines; i.e., structural, ele~;trical, and mzchai~ical requirements. <br />b_ Verify canformance with reiated codes. <br />6. Prepare a detailed and complete performanc~based specification in the <br />standard format of LBNA-ECG. The specification shall include specific <br />~erformance criteria, requi~ compliance with current codes, and establish <br />the equipmcnt quality level. Include a continuing-after-installation <br />preventive maintenance agreement and bid form. Bid documents shall be <br />configured to encourage competitive bidding_ <br />C BiddinQ and Ne~otiation Phase <br />7. Provide assistance on any bidding matter. Such assistance shall include: <br />a. Consultations on bidding procedure. <br />b. Evaluation of the bids, clarifying exceptions and ambiguities with <br />thc Bidders, and submittal of written recommendations_ <br />c. Contract negoriations assistance, including conduccing bid review <br />meetin~s. <br />d. Development of matenaUdelivery construction schcdule. <br />D. Construction Services Yhase <br />8. Revie~v shop drawings submitted by Elevator Cont~actor for ~ e and <br />contract document compliance. Review commentS sh~~ e inc;orporated <br />on one sepia and two blue line drawinss. ~"°~ <br />t <br />9. Conduct one (1) construction revie etermine that work is proceeding <br />in accordance with the Con ocuments and in ~eneral conformity <br />with the intent of t~ie d~concept. Submit writtcn reports which shall <br />include ttie foIlo '~ <br />a. l.i - - ~noiiconforniing c.~ndirions. <br />b. ercentage of equipment and components on the site and installed_ <br />c. tdenlif cation of equipment or components not on the jobsitc ~~luch <br />e,c~uld affect the inst~llation schedule_ ~ <br />