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DEC-21-98 MON 15;55 ARBUCKLE COSTIC ARCH INC FRX N0, 5035813655 P,18/20 <br />~.~ Lerch. 8c~tes & Assoc~~tcs lnc. <br />~ <br />NP~/91. - 9/11 /98 <br />Courthouse Square <br />LF3NA #300650 <br />Pa~e4of6 <br />C. Additic~nal Services <br />Services which materially increase the scope of Basic Services sl~all be billed as <br />Additional Se~viccs. If ~~utharized by the Client, tliey shall be paid for as a separate fee. <br />p. Insurance artid Liabili <br />During 2he ~eriod t3iis contract i~ in force, Lerch Bates North America, lnc. shall carry <br />Workmen's Compensation insurance (statutory limits}, Automobilc Liabili.ty Insurancc of <br />$1,000,0~0 and General Liability Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 including <br />$1,000,000 Exc.~ss Liability, and $1,000,000 Professional Liability Insurance. Insurance <br />Certificates sha11 be submitted io Arbuekle Costic Arehitecu, Inc. In the evet~t ~f <br />insurance canc~llation, the Client shall be ~iven 30 days' wrirten notice by the <br />Undervrriter. <br />E_~.esponsibili~ <br />It is expressly understood, in consideration of the perforn--ance of~ the services enumerated <br />herein at the price stated, that Lerch Bates North Am~'ica, Inc, assumes no Iiability on <br />aecount of accident~ to persons or damage to property, except for liability causod by <br />negligent acts or omissions of I..erch Bates North America, Inc-, their employees or <br />agents. <br />Your own responsibility for property damage or for ac,cidents to petsons while riding in <br />or being on or about the vertical transportarion equipment referred to herein is m no way <br />affect~ by this agreement_ Lerch Bates North America, Inc. shall not be held responsible <br />or IiaUle for any l.oss, damage, detention. or delay eausad by accidents, strikes, lockouts or <br />by any other cause which is unavoidable or heyond its reasonable conttol or in any event <br />for conse~uential damages. No ~~ork, service or liability on the part of Lercl~ Bates Norch <br />America, Inc., other than t~-az specifically mentioned herein, is included or intended_ <br />~. Extcnt of A eetuent <br />This agreement, when signed and accepted below, constitutes exclusively the contract <br />between the parties hereto and all prior tei?resentations or agreemcnts, oral or written, not <br />incorporated herein, are supc~eded- <br />G. rxtent of ih..c Law <br />This agreement shall be inteipreced in a~ccordance ~~ith the laws of the State of <br />Washington as interprctcd by a jud~e i.n Snohomish County. <br />