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CS_Courthouse Square
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Security- Miscellaneous
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project Coordination
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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. 08/16/99 08:54 FA% 588 7951 <br />%ARION CO RISR <br /> . I nc _ 603 331 2 509 <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <br />~`~ ~ Locks for exterior and int~rlor doo:s and openi.ngs ue keyed with a'resti'i~ted' <br />~. Medeao keyway. 7his will provide a high level of secvr~ty for the buitdi~g. OE greatest <br />~ concern is the distribution, dotumerttstion ~nd umtrol of keys. The pr~uatptivn ia that <br />~ the use oE ~ reatricted k~ywayr~quires litd,e, if ~ny~ attention by staff to maintain snd <br />~~~ admini~ber a key ard Iock cantrol program. This is a fdulty asaump~an, even with a <br />~ system that is as sophisticated as the Medeco sy~tem. <br />~ <br />~~ Remauruendation: Although there is no 9mtnedsate rieed tc~ take action distussion~ <br />s}wuld be held in the neiur future betwe~tt the trrtsnt {Mario~t Connty, Or~goe~ and <br />~~ arego~ Builders HardwAre. Tl+~e initi~l assump~cne eancenting hardware fi~nction, <br />~~ keyitwg, etc. should be r~-visited. In~tial ~raining could begit~ pn k~ey and lo~ tontrol <br />adminiatralio~. IC~ey utd i.oclc ooz~~ol aaFtware o~uld 1x~ reviewed, selected ~nd <br />irisrailed. Set up o~ the sys~tm c~auld be made. <br />• E1ec~onic Aaceas Cont~ol for MatZon Cownty, Oregon - Cautthouse Sqvut ~s <br />p~t+o~ecbed to be an extension of tlte existing electronic accese conh~l systent i~ use at the <br />Marion County, aregon - Courthon~,latated ~cs~oes the street. It is anticipatied tha4 <br />the eaciali~g cantrals are cspable of o~erating and maintaining the expanded sysbern. <br />System ~onfiguratian, enrolla-ent of users, aard distribubon ar~d 'trouble shooti~g` u~c <br />expected ta be handled by the ~xiati~g systern adatirusbrator. Of concern is the <br />I~J 0 4 <br />P.04 <br />potential af aystein failure and thQ intpaet that makea upaat both buildi~gs ability to ., f <br />~ provide acaess con~+ol and thus security for the buildir-gs. <br />~ Keoammendation: Dlscussions stie~d to be held with the Cur~re~nt ay~teat vendar ta ~~ <br />J~ exploTe ssdues of expans~o~. fuact~o~, and redundancy imanediately. The antiaps~ted <br />~ electrozus acce~s eantmlloc~~ions fc~c the M~rio~ Coanty. UreSo*+ - Coa~thovse 5quare ~ <br />are tpp limited. It is t~ecot~uY-erded that ~ exterior doora be pre-wir~d io~ pose'sble ~ <br />eiettro~nic aacesA t~aritmt ca~+d reaiders. Yn addiNon, it would be recomme~ded <br />~~ accommodation be made for substantiai exgansion of the system over the next five-ten V W~ <br />~ r Years. T h e goten ti a l f o c:n a d d; t i o n a l b u i l ' d i n g on t h e b l o c k raiees t~ u ~ queation v f U <br />~~-1 syateat or~. This wauld r~ot neaessdrily reqvire prrwirt~g oE aI1 autt~dpated <br />locationa~i+~t~r~d the piaarmrnt ef devices to allov-~ ~or zaning of ar~y syate~m .~ <br />~- expsneion. Qf gre~ter concern, hawever, is the eonclusion diat the acisti~g electronic ~ 63 <br />~ aeeess ~rnntral systern will b~ utiliz~ed fv~ the Marian County, Qsegon - Conrthouse, \~ <br />~- Mar,ion Cauniy, Oregon - Courthouse Squue Project, and th~ Salenn Arc~'rransit ~ v <br />- Ce~tet. tt is our eoittluaion that the rlectronic a~oeees control ayatenl in use at tl~e ~~' <br />_~ Cot~rt~taas~e be either deaig~tied or be eon~gured t~ be diatirct u~d separAtc fFOm each ~~ <br />~~ othrr. 7'he catuern is t~rat th~e diff~+ent furcti~ns of the buildix-gs at+e significsnt etluugh ~ <br />to werrant separate oontrdl units. Th~s would avoid the dilemma of bottt buildings ~~- <br />losing electrortic aacess eon~+ol in the event of syatent failure. <br />• Ciased Circuit Telrviaion Camexas for ~urveillano~ are antfcipated for use an both <br />the exterlor ~ wdl aa certain interior spaec~. It has nat been deteraLined who wili <br />mor~tot~ thesr images throughout a twenty-Eour hocir day. ~t is thought t2wt Salem <br />Area Traasit Btaff will momtor the c~m,erae of tlx~r areas oE regponsibiiity during the~r <br />hours of o~peratian. It has =wt be~- determin~ed who will watt~ch ~wse c~rneraa aft~er <br />hotus. M~rion County, Oregon - Canrth~uee Square does itot have a reception desk <br />ar~d thus the mo~itarir,g of cameras kltat prota~t sp~ce of Marion County. Oreaoe~ ia not <br />defir-ed. <br />"i~t~-" (1Rl1 ~/99 Fnrher~ ~ A ~~i~l~e. Tnr.. 2 <br />~ Au9~lB~g~'s <br />~f~ I~1 ~ ~rb~~• i e - <br />
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