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CS_Courthouse Square
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9/19/2012 4:10:19 PM
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8/2/2011 10:27:27 AM
Security- Miscellaneous
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project Coordination
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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• 08/16/99 08:54 FA% 588 7951 ffiARION CO RISR I~ 05 <br />Rug-26-99 07sb5 Forb~s ~ Associat~s, Inc. 5~3 331 1b09 P.OS <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <br />Reoo~mendatian: 4~ ia~ediatc rostcern is tht tucd to inatall awug~+ conduit for <br />cameras suFficiet-t to aeeeee ~ exterior ~ampus areas; ~ ParkinB gar+~Se vehicle travel <br />],anes, pedest~rrian lan~es, ki~g apaces, aaoess / egre$s gate, elevator vestibules, ~nd <br />ian <br />atairweils; as well as i~so ted or v~ult+e~tble Iocxttiot~s withire the interior spACC~ of the <br />n~in buildit~g. Ocu~e atgair~, system expans~o~n wlll be sin- Ier an~ less expenalve if <br />eonduit is installed now. It is highiy recaatmended khat ital reoordirtg ba apecified <br />rather than videotape ~+ec~oxdi~g . All caarerag sho~uld be cn or camer~. <br />esuloeured ehould be emplayed ~r all ext~riar cameras as w~ell a6 the parki~g g~s'age <br />ca,meras. Tamper resist~utt ertclosures ah,anlld house a]1 i~nterivt cameras. Th~ eyatem <br />ahould be oon 'hgur~ed with a pclnting device that can malce duplirate6 of multiple ~nd <br />eingle im~ges. <br />• Asi Alarm. Syst~m has not been apeafied for the building. There ~miy ix sgaaes <br />that are either vacant or hold it~ma of particalar valwe (Evidenoe St4raige) that reqture <br />intrusio~s~ pmtectioxt. There is no mention of dure~ alarms ~or ataff to use in the inecric~r <br />apa~ed or the parkir~g S~B~ <br />R~o~~nmerdation: A policy d~t~ezmination needs to b¢ mede regerdi~g elata~ <br />syatea~s and in particul~r intrusion aYtd duress al~rm~. Cor~eultation with the elec~vnic <br />accea~ aon~o! v~ndar will determine if the acc~ss system cantrole ai+e capable of <br />'runM ' thee~ee alarma c~r iF a separate system shouid be obtain~ed. R~egardl~as, the atarm <br />syatem~s~ sho~uld be integrated with the eYe~ctronLC access onntrol sys~enl. <br />Co~dui~, wiring ~d devicea aeed to be installed an alI exterior doors tutd openit~ge that <br />p:+ovide acc~ees to the building. This will b~ redundant for th~ae docn~s nn~ op~etdngs <br />cvn~olled by elecbronic aoaess. OE greatiest raneern is the placernent of pet~onal attack <br />and dureas alarma at reeeption desks, identified wlnerable pereona o~fioes ~nd at <br />nunterous locatior~ in the P~~B B~Se. <br />• Lighting app~ears ta be marc thar~ ad~quate for thc exterlor campus, ~n~er~or spaae <br />and parkirkg garqge. <br />Reoainmendatian: None <br />• L,andecwping doea n~t creste unneoessary or unusua! apaces far eecreting pMPIe <br />or ibea~s. <br />Reoommendation: None <br />• The Parkirg Cardge provides both vehieular and pedeetrian a~ to the interioz <br />of the buildi~g. Althuugh uprelimin~ry d~~sian hae been made to linnit pxrkiqg to <br />Maria~ County. Oregon a~ Silem Arti Transi# employeea there may be tinnes where <br />'mixed use' will be allowad. Vehicle aoce~ to the gar~ge is firo~en ~ si=tgle runp <br />on the south side of the c~mpus. Ped~strian aocess is fcam an elevator A several <br />s rv <br />stairways. '1'he g~rege exbends under tt~re n~a~jn~ri of the campua It wlU s~rvp a large <br />popvlation of v~hi,e2ee. Altfwugh the majonty the accxse and egreas transactioni will <br />takr pL~ce durlttg normal buaire9s hotua Monday thxough Friday it will also see a <br />reasQnable amaunt ~f activity after-houre ~nd a~n week-ends_ The garage i~ large, <br />visu$lly isolated ar-d tht pre~vendart of aa~ess by unaut~wri~c! pereaons will be a <br />challenge. <br />"T~f1t" tiR/13/~94 FrnM~e Rr. A~ac-ciwr~~. inc. <br />"~c''S- ~ s,~a <br />as o ~~ <br />c-. . _ <br />
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