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. 08/16/99 08:54 FA% 588 7951 DIARION CO RISR <br />I~J 0 B <br />^.s soc 1 atls , I r~c . b03 331 1 S09 P. 06 <br />V~~~~ <br />Recommend~ticm: Ac~ommodate a systea- of rlosed cit~uit teievision cameraa th~at <br />~re ~apable ~ vlavally aaoes~in,g the majority of ntain activity cenbe=a and pedestria:t <br />pessage ways. Gonduit will need ta be Iocabed from ~ stairwells, the ramp, the <br />elevator veshbule and variaus loc~tlons withitt the garage. Acoos~modabe a s}-9tern of <br />person~-1 attecJc/cius+ess alarm stit[ons placed ~t the devutor v~stlbule, stairwells and at <br />addiaonal 1oc~aons witl~in tt~ee garage. Provide for art apprvpriabe overhead doar ko <br />eecure the guage aft~er-hours utd when certain tonditions exist. Whett the door is in <br />the up po~itlon the apecifted gate era~ c~on~+nl w;ll be used. There ahould be electronic <br />acoese control, closed circ~#.t televieior~, a motion de~eceor to 'datect' pedeBtrisn <br />movexnent on du vehicle raa~p and two-way caaununicatiun et thie entry/e~dt location. <br />C.aavideration shc~uld be givr.n to audio detecto~a within the garage to capture savnds <br />of duress. The garage rnncrete should be s Iight ehade tu he~p with visual ~acess at-d <br />surveillance. Graphice an~d 'wayEindir~g' sigr~age are critical for pedestriar- safety. <br />Conclueion: <br />~ T~~ Mar~on Covnty, O:eaan - Cou~4hause Square building is unique in that it <br />ntixps two s~miLar but separate functions. The building has already been designed <br />withwt benefit of s eomprehensive ~ecurlty ase~ssment, Any c.ha~ges bp ex~.stit~g <br />dQaigt- and apeclficitions would i:u.~ur addi~onail exp~ex~se. <br />rIo eentral reeeption Euxtiction for the Muion County, Or+egon - Cot~rthotsee <br />bu~lding liac~its the ab~ility to cante+ol and isolate a~s. <br />YCeye and toclca are viewed as exceilent but the need fur clearly defined system <br />man3,gement is neaeasary. <br />A deternunation sfwuld be made that the usp of the exi~st~'ng electronu acaesa oontrol <br />sy ete~ at the aew building w~7I not cr+eabe any wlnerabilities i~ the ~errain umtrol goes <br />'down'. 'fhe elecEron~c acti~ese control syatea~ loc.ations should be intreased and capable <br />of furthec expanaion <br />The cloeed. circuit be2evision system needs to be designed and capable of bei~g <br />auoni~ared at tlu main iobby as well a~ other iocationa. Flrxibility in capturi.qg and <br />duplicating images is desuable. <br />An a~arnn syatem ahould be inatalled th~t fs capable oE bqth in~vsion detectian and <br />duress [vnctiona. <br />L3ghting ea~ the campus, in the garage a~t-d in the buildir~g is believed to be <br />appropriat+e. <br />Landsraping an the campus will not cc+eate unneaessary rislcs. <br />The p~rking function iq o~ c,onotrn b~t,tt with appl~ration of vehicte acress ooatrol, <br />closed eircuit televiaion, du~+ess ~lums and proper sigruxge ri~sks can be minimiz~ed. <br />Y'he prece~di~g recomm~endatioms are meant to atitigate vulnerabilitiee wiihout <br />diarupting design dr adding expe~t~se. <br />As t~ proaeea continues additionai reo~mmQndations will be made !o mi~_++++~e riak <br />to ataff, visttors and activitiea at the iVladon County, Qregon - Cou~hou~e Sqndr~ <br />building. <br />"~*"f~" ~~~~ Fnrh"~ k A~~iAtrae. Tnc. d <br />