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Interim Architect Agreement/Contract
CS_Courthouse Square
Interim Architect Agreement/Contract
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8/2/2011 11:15:47 AM
Interim Architect Agreement/Contract
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Contracts - Agreements
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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Michael Hansen <br />RE: Courthouse Square - Contract <br />Project No. 9637 <br />July 7, 1997 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />If either paRy properly exer~cises its option to arbitration, arbitration of such <br />dispute shall be mandatory and any pending litigation shall be stayed. <br />The award of the arbitrators shall be in writing. The Architeds or the <br />Owner shall have all rights arising under Oregon law rega~ding any <br />afiitration award under this Agreement. <br />2. Supplemental Paragraph 7.3.1 should be revised to provide the following: <br />"In addition to Paragraph 7.1, the Owner and Archited agree to join in one <br />arbitration all persons or parties with claims relating to or arising out of the same <br />transadion~ occurrence~ or series of transadions or occurrences as the dispute <br />between the Owner and the Archited, if there is a common question of law or fad.' <br />3. Deletion of Paragraphs 9.3 and 9.4 is acceptable. <br />4. You have requested to delete the first sentence in the revised attomey fee <br />provision. You have asserted that the provision allows either party to demand <br />payment every time a person talks with their attomey. We believe that objedion <br />is unfounded. The provision is limited to `enfor~cement of rights" under the contract. <br />If we were to consuft an attomey for any reason other than enforcing rights, such <br />as assessing our liability for something that has occutred, there would be no claim <br />for attorney's fees. As an altemative, we would consider replacing the first <br />sentence with "If either party justifiably employs an attomey for assistance in <br />enfor~cing its rights arising from this Agreemerrt, regardless of whether a suit is filed, <br />the other party shall reimburse that party for any attomey fees incurred." <br />5. Ben Fetherston and I have gone through the FTA Funding Addendum. He <br />indicated to me which paragraphs apply to our contrad. We ask that <br />Mr. Fetherston supply us a copy of that addendum with all items which do not apply <br />to our contract lined out so that it is dear to all parties which portions of the contract <br />aPp~Y• <br />6. In addition, I believe Ben Fetherston was going to revise the "Disputes" portion of <br />the `Dispute Resolution" on Page 21 of the FTA Contrad Requirements. <br />7. Additionally, the seismic safety clause on Page 11 of the FTA Contract document <br />will be acceptable if "and const-uded" in the second line of that paragraph is <br />deleted. If this deletion is not possible, we will have to negotiate additional work for <br />the structural engineer to provide full-time inspedion. This cost would be <br />substantial. <br />8. Additional items which should be completed in the fee portion of the contract <br />include: <br />A. The request of the Owner to carry the fifth floor design into design <br />developmerrt. The documented costs for providing this was not to exceed <br />$7,500 per agreement. The final cost fo~ providing this work is $6,790. <br />B. The construction manager has asked that an acoustical engineer be <br />brought on boa~d. We want it made clear that the addition of this service <br />will be considered an additional senrice. <br />
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