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• 07/09/97 08:23 503 373 4367 Di C LEGAL 1~003/004 <br />~. ~ <br />• ~ <br />~~ <br />" LpNDITIONS OF AGREE~~IENT BET~~4'EEN OWNE.R AND ARCHITECT <br />~Nl~ <br />ARTICLE 1 2.2.3 The Architect shaU revie~~ ~vilh the Owner <br />qRCHITECT'S RESPONSIBIUT{ES alterna~i~~e approaches to design and constructio^ of the <br />Pro}ect_ <br />qFZCH17ECT'S SERVICES <br />~. ~, ~ ,., , ~ . <br />~.~.1 The Architect's sen~ices consici of those se~ice~ <br />perfornied b~ tlle Architect. Archi~ect's ei»pto~ees an~ <br />ArchitccCs consullants as cnumcrated in Articlcc 2 and ? ~I <br />this Agreement and anc other sen~ices incfuded in Aniclc <br />l2. <br />1.1.2 Thc Archilect's se~ ices sl~a(! bc pcrfonncd as <br />c~pcdiciousl~~ as is consistcnt ~~ith prolessional skill and carc <br />and tlie orderly progress of the Work. Upon request of the <br />O~vner. the Archilect shall submit for the O~vner's approval a <br />schedule Cor the performance of the Architect's sen~ices <br />~ti-hich ma}~ be adjusted as the Project proceeds, and shail <br />include alto~vances for periods oC time required for the <br />Owncr's reviea~ and for appro~~a1 of submissions b~ <br />authorities ha~~ing jurisdiclion over the Project. ~~ <br />S~e S~ c.~.Z ~ <br />1.1.3 The sen~ices co~~ered bY this Agreement are subject <br />io the time limitations contained in Subparagraph 11. i. l. <br />SeQ S? 1.1.~ - \.1.~ <br />ARTICLE 2 <br />SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES <br />2.2.4 Based on the mutuall~ agreed-tipo~l program. <br />schcdulc and constn~ctio~i bud~ct rcq~~ircments. the Architcc~ <br />shall prcparc_ for appro~~al b~~ Uie O~~ncr. Schematic Desi~n <br />Documcnts coiisistin~~ ol dra~~ings and othcr documents <br />illustrann~ ihe scale and rekationship af Project components. <br />~ ; ; ~~, . <br />2.2.5 The Architect sha{1 submit to- the-0~+~.~-« <br />preliminan~ estimale of Constniction Cost based on curre~zt <br />area..~olume or other unit costs. -~ <br />2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE <br />2.3.1 Based on thc appro~~ed' Schematic Design <br />Documcn~s and an~~ adjustments au~horized b~~ lhe O~vner in <br />the pro~rani, schedule or construction budget. lhe Architect <br />shall prepare. for appro~~al b~~ thc O~~'ner. Design <br />De~~elopmene Documents consisting of dra~~~ings and other <br />documents to C~~ and descnbe the size and character of the <br />Project as ~o arcl~ilectural. struuural, mecfianical and <br />electrical systems. materials and sucll other elements as ma}~ <br />be appropriate. <br />-_. •P : .' <br />2.3.2 The Arcliitect shall ad~~ise tl~e O~~~ner of any <br />adjustments to the preliminan~ estimate oC Coastruetion <br />-Cost. <br />2.1 DEFIN{T10N 2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE <br />2.1.1 The Architect's Basic Services consist of those 2.4.1 Based on tlie appro~•ed Desi~n De~~elopmen! <br />described in Paragraphs 2.2 through 2.6 and am~ oiher pocwnents and am~ funher adjustn~ents in the scope or <br />services identified i-~P~rticle l2 as part of Basic ~Sen~ices. and qualin~ of the Project or in the construction budget authorized <br />,v~~kti.~i~\:N.', o.., ~~cu: <br />i~c~uder normal structural, tnecl~anical ~ ac~- electrical, b~~ tlie O~~~ner. the Architect sliall prepare. for appro~~a ~~ <br />p~ C+Ci.p~ 4or oYwli On ~oe~. ~~~~•o~ eCMa•..:~ - <br />/ eng~~ieenng senices. ~~ o~~~ti~+ed?b¢c.n..w~ .F.,,~,.<«tc ~ the O«~iier, Construction Documents consisting of Dra«•ings <br />! c.oK.,w\aA ca_s;F~o..- <br />~~~ ~u~MT, ~ ~ ~ a~d p«~~.~~ and Specificalions settin~ forth in dctail the rcquirements or <br />2.2 SCHEMATlC DESIGN PHASE 5`~ •~ w•~`~"`~``'~ the eons~nietion of ~he Proiect. <br />~,~1-~..*~. , <br />2.2.1 The Archi~ect shall re~~ie~~~ th~ pro~ram furnished b~ 2.4.2 The Architect shall assist the O~+ner in tlte <br />the O~~'ner to ascertain tile requirements of the Project and P~eparalion of the necessa~ bidding information. bidding <br />shall arri~c at a~ilutual understandin~ of such requircment~ forms. tl~e Conditiais oC the Cofuract_ and the Corm of <br />~~ith ihe O~~ner. A~rcemcnt bct~~~en tt~c O~~ncr ~nd Contractor <br />2.2.2 The Architect sliall pro~ ide ~ preiimin~n <br />e~ aluation of tlte O~~ ner's progra~ii. scliedulc a~id <br />construction budget requirements_ each in terms of thc other. <br />subject to the limitations set Corlh in Subparagraph ~.2.1. <br />2.4_3 Tlte ArchitecF shall ad~ ise thc O~~'ner oC am <br />adj~stments to pre~ ious prclitni~~an csti~nates of <br />Construction Cost indiu~ted b}~ chanaes in requirements or <br />-general market conditionc. <br />.~7A UOCI'\[G\T D1~1 - O~~ ~`ER-.aRCHtTECT _~GRCL~tF~T - fUl'RTEE\71i LDITIC)\ --alA - COPI~RIGHT 193~ - THIi .~~II:K[Ca.~ f~ST1~iTE Oc <br />~}2CH1'I'ECfS. I~ij \E\Y 1-ORl~ ~\ E\L~G ~.\~'.. ~\',iSIi1~GTU\_ D_C _0^OG-:39? . l~nlisn~:d pFx~ic~rrn~n~ ~ii~l:u~ U.S. ~~~~~rf_ht l:n~z aid ~c a~hrh-t t~+lt:'I <br />Pro•teu(ion i~his documtn~ ~~ac.•kctro~~ic:~11~ ~roducrd wilh tht ~~rmiisciai .~.`.^r: .~1.~ :u~d .:~n he rtrroduceA ~citlkne~ ~ iul:un~n utuil Iht d:ut ol~t~pi~:+liixt i~ i:.~rd 4~'-ou <br />Efectronic Forni:it Bl-ll-19J~ <br />User pocument: B1419637.DOC -- 4122/1997. AIA Licen_= Number 100632, which expires on 8/31/1997 -- Page ~2 <br />~ rG1~.:~~ <br />