• 07/09/97 08:24 '8'503 373 4367 hI C LEGAL ~ 004/004
<br />AATIC~E 1
<br />1.1 l'hc C:cm~r.i~t U~~CUmcnts C~~n..ist uf ihis A~;rccmcnc, Ccmclitic~ns cif thc C'c~ntr~r~ (C;cncr~l. tiur~l~mcrnar~• acz~! u~hcr (.~,ncli~
<br />~ic~iis). [)r~«•i~l};•, S~~rcific~ticr~.,, :~~clrncl:~ issiicc! ~~ric~r tc~ ceccwic,n c~f tEiis Agrccm~nt, ~~~hcr tl~xwucnt~ li:tc~ in thi~ ,1Krcrmc~~t :~~~il
<br />~lu~litic-r~i~ms isw«I 1(tcr cxccuciun ~rf ~hi> A~;rccmcnt: thc,~ furm th~ Cuntnct, ~nc1 arc l. tid(y• ~~ar[ uf [hc Gnucic~ i~ if ltc~~•li~•~ ~„
<br />tilis AKrccmcnc c~r rc~c~~cJ hcrc;n. Thc Cunu~ct rcp~ck~ts thr cntir~ ir-cI in~rgr:-~ccl ~Krrcmrnc bcc.~~ccn iht ~:~rcics hcr~u, 1,1~1
<br />xtt(~cfsrclrti (~riur ncKc~tiatiuns, rc~rescn~cuic~n~ c~r ~grccincn~ti. ci~hrr writtcn <x or~l. An cnumcr~tiun c~f thc Cc~ntr:t~t O~xutn~nt,,
<br />c~thcr than ~fucfiticltiun.ti. ~ppurs in Articlc I C. If ln~•~hin~ in ihr cxhcr G>ncn~i D~xvm~n~, is inr~z,tsi;~cni wich thi: Agrcrmcnt, U~;,
<br />~~;recmcn~ sh:~ll xc~vcrn.
<br />ARTICLE 2
<br />2.1 Thc Ccmtractc~r ;hl(l cxccu« chc cntire Wc~rk c;rs;,-;i-:c;; in thc Cc~ntrlct Dc~~um~ncs, csrcp< <u ihc ~x[cnc ;~rc,(ic~ll~~ incii-
<br />':llCtl in th~ Cuncr~ct D<~cum~nc, iu br chc rc,~unsibilit.~ u; ut cr~, ur :u fc~ll~~n•s: ~
<br />Contractor excludes the followina:~
<br />-Soils testing'
<br />-Remova7., treatment disposal or testing of hazardous material including
<br />tanEcs.
<br />-Demol i tion and abatement of exi sti na str!~~*••~~s.
<br />=Security System by Owner.
<br />-Sound System and PA System by ~tvner.
<br />-Data System and wiring by Owner.
<br />-Architectural and Engineering fees bv Owner.
<br />~ Engineering of dewatering system.~ ~
<br />-Soi i retai nment systems other than trench worEc.
<br />-Builders Risk Insurance.
<br />-Al1 testing by Owner.
<br />-Al1 permits, development and plan check fees/meters by Owner.
<br />,"•Building code requirement not represented or defined in Contract
<br />Documents.
<br />ART]CLE 3
<br />3.1 Thr Contraccor accepes the re3~ciunship c~f en,si and contidence rseablishrci b~• chis aerecmtn[ snd co~~rn•.uus a•ith ;hr O~ n~r
<br />co cooperz~e a-ich the Architect and ucilize thc Cvnenctor's besc sl:ill_ effocts and iudgmenc in fuRhering che inceres~s ui che O~~nrr. ~u
<br />fumish efficient business adminisineion anei supcn•iiion, ~o ti~m~sh ac ati cim~s an adtqu:~~c supol~~ ~>r R<,~f;rr~
<br />and ma~eriais: :uid ~o perform che vc'ork in chc besc R•av and mosc exprdiuous :u~ci rconc~micy m:u~nrr coruu~rn~ n•i~h chr :nccrc>c> ~~i
<br />the Owner. The Ocvnrr agrces ro exc:ci;e besc effor~t co rn~~:c chc Concnccor co pcrform ~hr ~~~urk in [he brsc a•a~- an~i m~~~c rxnccli-
<br />~ious m:usnCr bv furnishing :uid lppro~~ing in a cimrf.• 0.-a~~ ~niurmacic~n rcquircd b. ~hc C~ncncror snd ~n:~l:,n¢ pa~~mcnc~ r~~ chc C:~~n•
<br />trzetor in zecordancr R~ich requircm~n~ of che Cc~ntrac[ DocZ:mrnrs_
<br />ARTICLE 4
<br />4.1 Ttic cl:~[c ~~i cummrn~cmcnc i, thr ~i~[c trc~m R h~ch ;`: ~~»~n~c Timc ui ~uhp:iriKr.i~h ~' i, mriurcJ: ic ~h:~li hc :h~ ~~ir ~~i
<br />this ,~tiCrcmCnL :L; tirit q'Ct((CIl :1bll~ C. IUlICTi :I C~IIECfC11C l~~iC :? r:~[ctl hr[uc~' ur pn~~'iiiuu ii m:~~~ t~x ihr ~:tt~ [~~ hc tixc~ si; .~ iti~ ~ui~ [~ ~
<br />j~ru~c~c1 i;succl h~ thc U«'ncr.
<br />~Irv.rr! !Ar ~l~uc •,/ ~.nrrmr~i~.~•n.rrf. :! rr ~!~!/~'^ ~r.~~u rh.~ ~l.~~r•.~ :l ~..~, r~ ~~~~ln.~nfr .:.ur Nyrt :I.,~ ~l.~rr - ... ~.
<br />r~. .1 . ~ .i .i ...~r i\•. .~.':1 .~r .. ..Irti . , y
<br />~Q ~, a,} L OT COMMt+~C.t ME~~C S~w\~ bt T. X2 U ~ ~ 4 f~ o~. ~~ '~u QfOCQ( U
<br />i SS,.a.QcQ ~~ '~~-~. Du.~ s~t r-.
<br />(:nlc>; thr ~l~tc ~~(~~~ni:ncn~r~ncn[ ~, c>~::hli>hr~i h~ :i nuncr :, ~~n~icc~l i:.ucif I~~ clic ~)«ncr. ~:~r c.,~ncr::~t~~r ~hll1 r~,::,•. :...
<br />Ifl ~VfI[(fl~ 11(7( ~<>i I~1:U1 fl~'C ~~:ll~~ 1)l'it~tl' l~~l111111'(ll'111~ l~ll \i,,:.~ t~i (lcfflL( Ih~ Untc~1' (1~I11L ~N ~1:~~CIL~~c>. n;c~ Il:tni~ ~ h~'i~•.~t',~:.~t::c:
<br />~CIU(I[C ItllCfC~ij. . .
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