JUL.16.1997 ~ 2~54PM
<br />JUG i~~a, w~v ~c~~~
<br />Juiy 1S,16A7
<br />RRBUCKLE cosTlc ARCN iNC FRX N0, 5035813655 "0.676 P.r;~2io~
<br />, ,4~ .'r ~~i~'Y.., ~, 'r17~', ~;~' It;r':y.'~t'~ t~' .is''~ .'iā:' '.5 ~ ~ ā',rr~
<br />~ , , , , ā¢ . , ' ,, "i , . , ~+ ! ) '' ' , , . ' ; ; .
<br />~en Fetherston
<br />Cla~fc, Und~ue~, McClinton,
<br />P. O_ Bax 2209
<br />qm ArDU[klr. ~w
<br />lV~~n E. Costlt an
<br />W~Iter [. 9enSm~An, Jr., iW1 ,
<br />CIayr~ n vwst. AV~
<br />Ricf~a~d 5. Roa~y~,efler, A4a
<br />363 S~are Street
<br />Salem, pR 97301-3533
<br />~ 503/SB1~114 F~x; '~;U3/581-~655
<br />Fe4~srston~ Edmonds~ ~ Lippold Attomaya
<br />Ssbm, Orepoh 97308ā¢22Q8
<br />RE: Cau~tfiouso Squa~e
<br />Project No. 9637
<br />Dear 8en:
<br />Thero q~ a i~w i~wes remehtinp f~ re~sohre ~e contrad on Courthause Square. To compro~tl~se the solu~on,
<br />we aro vy0llnp to agrse to ~30,Q00 as thA tfmit for artiitration end allrr~n~m the Ia~Auap~'~nd i~cludh~ those 6~-
<br />baa~d on any arising from any statute. conslitu4,on, rsgufa~on, o~dlnpt~ce, ruti~ o~ any alle8ed to~ per ynur ~
<br />ra{ue~t k~ fh~ fl~t p~~roph of your le1~r of July 1 i.1997. Howoroa~, we do I~~t on the atG~m~y tis prov~(on. ~`i 5,
<br />I had (ndioeted in Qur mse~~g th~t I wes comfortabte wlth t~e A!A oontrad Thf: does not rnasn that bfls and
<br />pi~as af R a~ be b~oupht in at your dis~refilon. It simpiy m~aot th~t t would 6~ willin~ tio si8r~ an AW ccntraci
<br />vrltfi no revisions; 1 do rtot wlsh to deviate on this issue.
<br />1 diz~ree that it is deer whlch pro~s~ons ln the FTA sddendum aQply to this offioe. 1 b~lNw it !S perteccttyy
<br />reaaonab[~ to ask th~t provisions wfiich eppiy t~ ou~ contract b~ de{ined for us. it shcuW not be e mattar of
<br />fnderpreteSon whether they apply tio our services as Archit~ects or not ThIS contract it beMreen M~~ian Counly, ,by~
<br />The Trena~tDiatri~t~ end Arbu~kla Cos4c Ardtibeds, Inc. (not any of the contulta~ we use}. We w01 ou~~Ive~ ,~
<br />~1e coosultanis wltl~+ subcoritrac~hs. They alao a~e not going to acoept ~ dowment wh~rs It is not dsac what ~~~ "`0'~
<br />provis~on3 appty. een, ae are hying tc wortc ~hrough this F7A ~ddendum. I believe you haYe ~Iwaya bsen "0~"~Pw~'°
<br />a~x~~f~~~-, (o
<br />aware thl~ is a source of concem as we are unaware oT many docvmer~ tu whlch fhis add~ndum refers. A
<br />lot offh's une~si~ess could bo roeolved if we could fortnally lden4ty whicfi partnons of fhe addendum apply to ~~ ~-P.~
<br />ouf COf1~'iCt. ~ , ~1-o ara~-r'fs
<br />~.u~4~s :
<br />The leur~on ~ the saismlc safely clsues~ as idantified in my prov(ous ~ettsr, ~ the chanp~ mada by the on~on
<br />Deparb+nentotTtan6portation. 7h~y cep~rate the doaig~ ~nd canshudicn portlioas. There ~s no option o~ ihis ~~'~
<br />r~vlslon. The'and constructed' wi41 either heae !v be sfiicken from this poRlon of our eddendum or ws wifl c:rris~-+'Y~~
<br />nogaNeOa lhrough ou~ ~rucNra[ englneorto have tull bme Inspedfo~. R(~ e~timet~ed at th-s ~me, t~at this oould ~ U~~~-s
<br />~dd 580,000 to 5100,000 to the cor~tract .,~~
<br />L~tly, the revision ta the "Dispui~es' paragraph in the Dispute Resolutlon aecBon ofi fhe FTA addendum does Z'~`'~
<br />not aomo class t~o ullevi~4irig the concem I have with this pe~agRaph. This only glves us ~~ccul~e if the decision
<br />of ths Gsnarsl Manepe~ is c~a~trery ta law or violsbas a tann of t~te contred 1t says Ralhinp roaer+dM~ the many
<br />otherdisputes which may aNse du~ag the oourso of the corttract, One sudt ex+emple ~vould 6~ i~berpr~fiaHon
<br />of the ooMract drawings snd speaAca4lons, Th1s shoutd not be loft to tha dsdsion of the Gensrel 1V~anager who 7
<br />m~y or may ~ot be knowled9eeble in fhe cone(ruction industry. Recout~s~ on all d~sputgs n~eds to be a+rall^Wo i
<br />to us.
<br />