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The Public Art Ad~~son~ Commitcee has identified n~~o opportunities for public an: <br />Exterior Site: The Hacfield Plaza named after Senator Marlc 0. Hatfield. <br />Located at che corner of High and Coun Streets, this area is the <br />main public foctis and entr~~ for Counhouse Square. <br />Interior Site: Lobb~~ area of the Transit District Sen~ce Area. <br />Artists or team(s) of anists are asked to consider either site or a combined <br />proposal tl~at ~~~11 thematically and ~~isuall~~ unite the m~o locations. Given the transponation <br />history of the city block and the nature of transit, the committee favors concepts de~-eloped <br />around this historical perspecti~~e, movement, whimsy, and community. <br />The PAAC is interested in art~~~ork addressing at least one of tf~ese themes: <br />Historical Salem's histor~~ of Nati~~e American development, pioneer settlement, <br />perspective: agriculwral base, and the bloclc's s~acus as an eariv transportation site. <br />Movement: Transp~rcation is s~nonrmous ~~~th mo~•ement, in this case <br />mo~~ement of both people and machines. <br />Whimsy: Defined as a fanciful or f811I15i1C 11"[ CI'l~111011 <br />ca tTt:~. 7 C~~ .LS ~^!'h .~~=~l,~2J~1+:i2;'•:::^ - j ~~i'.!?~k;'t~<Ar''"-;`e ~n?~~rs••c* ~- ti~ic 1~~v~k . ~.~i7a {aa ~< 2 i~ ~ri~~+4.f"'i_^~r~.jt°~~vb~t^;'raT~iK f~y;;~,~,?~ <br />~rl ~/~ , ! ~~ ,r~ ~ r!:"/~'~~ ~ // C: ~~ti, - ~~i~c ~:r~"k y . .:. f 's' '~ r-Rt~~,Y~''s~ z w y,K~ ~=~v.s.a.a ~ --a '~' .t~`~`v „' . <br />~ ~f ~~f' fr.~.r-.-.;-.~~,' ~ t . K . .x`c r} ~-~,~ .y ..,~ :.~ ~. ~ -s ~'tii ~ ,r' .a~,., ..- t.`A...-,._.,. ..'2? ~ L:~:tx~..s'"5. <br />..~~./~ ~'~....~..v . v 5~.. ___ _ . ]. is ~ t .F. 3".. <br />... ..~ •~--e!xJ:. ~<... .. r;.. ~'C ~ .. a . . ~..r . ....< .... . . . .. . ..-. ~... <br />;~-9aric 0. Hatfield Plaza <br />The o~~en air ~~11za occupies <br />}0-} square feec, a rectangle, <br />-t6' ~ 7-}'. t\lread~~ positioned <br />in the E~laza cu-ea are t~~~o <br />li~hting fixtures, fow- <br />mo~•able planters for [rees, <br />and t~~~o base foundations <br />for tlags that ~~~ill iise about <br />30 feet. 7he plaza area is <br />pa~~ed t~i~h combined cla~~ <br />hii~l: pa~'ers and exposed <br />a~regate concrete. Th~ <br />I',~1r1C is int~rested in <br />commissioning ait~~~orl: <br />for this site in am• durable <br />mediian, preferabl~~ multi- <br />le~~el or of a nature of <br />sufficient prominence that <br />other componencs of the site <br />~~ill not diminish the impact <br />of the public art~~•ork. <br />ulo~~emenc as a component <br />of the piece is em~sioned <br />1t1C~ In\\' I11IlIIlIeI1111C~ f11U5[ <br />be a consideration. <br />