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<br />MEMORANDIIM <br />TO: Commissioners Randy Franke and Mary Pearmine <br />FROM: Randy Curtis, Director <br />SUBJECT: Resignation as Project Manager <br />- DATE: November 24, I997 <br />Courthouse Square has been one of the most challenging projects of my cazeer. <br />In the spring of 1996, I made a commitment to the Board that we could build a <br />new office building that consolidated and improved the efficiencies of county <br />offices. I told you we had a unique window of oppornznity because of the ability <br />to leverage our resources with the funding available from three other public <br />agencies. And I told you we could do this for a rental rate of $1.20 s£ Our <br />consultants now tell us that our budget goals are within reach and the project <br />contains all the key elements promised when the county signed on as a partner. <br />As I review the statements of our critics, no one has yet come forward to <br />challenge the current design and financial analysis. The question as to whether the <br />Senator Block should be used for buses, of~ices, retail space and parking was <br />addressed long ago. The questions that remain are three-fold. Can the project be <br />built within the original budget parameters? Is it consistent with existing public <br />policy, and most important, has public confidence been eroded? <br />I have spent the last 5 months addressing the issues in question one. I make no <br />apologies for recognizing the project was in trouble and stopping it. Our budget <br />goals are nearly realized, but the final answer to question one can only be <br />addressed by proceeding to final design and obtaining the GMP. The answer to <br />question two is yes. And, unfortunately, the answer to question three is also yes. <br />In retrospect, addressing questions one and two was the easy part. Right or <br />wrong, the role I have played is being questioned. The stress is taking a toll on <br />my health as well as the health of my county. The Board is now faced with some <br />bold challenges with respect to restoring public confidence. I hereby offer my <br />resignation as county project manager. My salary should be reduced in <br />accordance with the elimination of that function. Please be advised that I will <br />continue to serve in whatever resource role the Board deems appropriate to insure <br />that public confidence is restored. <br />