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DR.AFT CHARTER <br />INTERNAL STAF~ TEAM <br />ISSI7E: The Courthouse Square project is complex in design, relationships and <br />financial structures. The project needs a wide array of expertise to fully <br />respond to the project demands. <br />PURPOSE: To act in an advisory role to project management and two boards on the <br />technical aspects of the project. <br />TASKS: Review and advise on decisions affecting the design, financing and <br />implementation of the project. Duties include, but not limited to: <br />~ Advise on financing options; <br />~ Adhere to public purchasing rules; <br />-~ Develop and recommend legal contracts and analysis; <br />-~ Review and advise on county office space plans; <br />~ Integrate project debt service into financial plans of the <br />county; <br />-~ Review and respond to all inquiries; <br />-~ Provide support to project coordinator; <br />~ Advise on project implementation. <br />PROCESS: The Team will meet weekly with the project coordinator <br />facilitating decisions/recommendations. <br />MEMBERSHIP: See attached. <br />