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. <br />=°'` ~(~ ~ O~~U - ND DISTRICT COURTS OF OREGON <br />"^"' THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT <br />(;t~ 5 1997 MARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE <br />~s P.O. BOX 12869 <br />SALEM, OREGON 97309-0869 <br />t;~Af I~iV COUf~TY <br />JAMES H. MURCF~D OF COMI`~ISS O{~~ERS <br />CouR Administrator <br />(503) 588-5368 <br />December 4, 1997 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Members, Board of <br />FROM: James H. <br />SUBJECT: Court Facilities <br />CHAIRMAN <br />MMIS 1 <br />E;, ~ M ~ N ~ <br />._~.~ ~ ~6r~~.~ <br />~.:.,~i'e l.~l.)~~I'~ I 7 l~~~IlLV~~I/r`~i._. <br />~~,-. _,. ~~--; -n <br />'~ ~ • 1 C R <br />P <br />7 <br />~y ~- ~~l ~ ~~ <br />We spoke recently about the continuing need of the Oregon Court system for <br />adequate facilities for courts here in Marion County. I indicated that I would review our <br />situation and provide you with an update. <br />As Judge Lipscomb has recently stated, the Marion County Courts have grown to <br />12 judicial positions over the past several years, with a 13th position to be filled as of January <br />1999. In addition, we have five judicial hearing officers, for a total of 18 judicial and judieial <br />officers within the next 13 months. <br />Further, we had developed the workload justification in 1996 for three new <br />judgeships, but for other reasons (including facilities limitations) requested only two such <br />positions be created. The 1997 Legislature in fact created only one of these judgeships at this <br />time. We fully expect to again approach the Legislature seeking additional judicial positions in <br />the next session. <br />The Court system, however, is more than judges. We concluded the last biennium <br />with 100 FTE. In October of this year, we hired five additional staff, and will be increasing by <br />five more around the first of 1999, along with the new judgeship. <br />Facility needs of the Court are more than chambers and courtrooms. Staff offices <br />and program space are also serious issues. As you may recall, we have a jury assembly room on <br />the second floor which comfortably accommodates around 40 or 50 individuals. We regularly <br />surnmon panels of around 150-175 jurors. Present space is obviously woefully inadequate for <br />panels of this size; it is even ridiculously worse for significant trials where even larger jury <br />panels are required. <br />