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12'11i97 16:38 F9\ 588 7951 ~ARION CO RISK C~02 <br />a ° ~ C~ ~ <br />D~~ <br />December 11, 1997 <br />Marion County Board of Commissioners <br />Marion County Courthouse <br />Salem OR 97301 <br />Dear Members of the Board: <br />On October 1, 1997, you approved a bid award to Foss Environmental Services <br />Co. for the pre-construetion remedial activities on the Senator Block for the <br />Courthouse Square project, also authorizing further negotiations to the contract <br />due to unknown factors of the remedition. <br />This amendment request to the Foss Environment contract in the amount of <br />$172,000 is the expected amount to complete all remediation activities and <br />includes costs for the following: <br />* soil excavation-6,000 additional yards; <br />~ unsuitable soil excavation and transport-additional 4,000 yards; <br />' contaminated materials-additiona12,500 ton; <br />* water tanks for an additional 94,OQ0 gallons of contaminated water for <br />treatment and transport; <br />' removal of additional underground tank; and <br />* rental of equipment to separate concrete and rubble from soils. <br />The amendment also extends the contract date from December 15 to the 31 to <br />finalize closure of the contract. <br />Due to the overburden of contaminated soils, and the extensive excavation <br />causing the abundance of water requiring treatment , it is my recommendation <br />that the amendment to complete remediation to the conhact be approved. <br />Respectfully. <br />Billy Wasson David Hartwig <br />Project Director Director of Risk Management <br />