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~~ i <br />-as' <br />~~~~ <br />~ <br />Marion County /nformation <br />For immediate release: December 15, <br />1997 <br />Contact: Carol Fischer or Sue McCracken, <br />503/588-5212 <br />Oversight Committee for Courthouse Square appointed <br />Retired Chief Justice Edwin J. Peterson will chair a six-member committee to advise <br />Mazion County commissioners and the Salem Area Transit District Boazd on a broad range <br />of concerning development of Courthouse Square as a transit mall and space for county and <br />transit offices. <br />The other citizen members of the committee will be Randy Compton, vice-president of <br />Pioneer Trust Bank, Kathy Keene, president and chief operating officer of SAIF <br />Corporation, and John McMillan, retired managing editor of the Statesman Journal <br />newspaper. Two other members of the committee, Maynard Hammer and Jerry Vessello, <br />will provide considerable technical expertise. Hammer is an official in the Budget and <br />Management Division of the State of Oregon and Vessello is the director of fmance at <br />Chemeketa Community College. <br />The panel will begin background briefings immediately following official appointment <br />of the Courthouse Square Oversight Committee by the county commissioners at their regular <br />Wednesday morning meeting on December 17; the transit board is expected to approve the <br />committee at their regulaz meeting the next evening. <br />The oversight committee will serve as a sounding board for staff, review all major <br />decisions affecting the project and serve as advisors on the project to the Boazd of <br />