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YOUR REPO DEALER IS A WORLD LEADER <br />AND INNOVATOR IN THE GLOBAL CURRENCY MARKETS <br />"Know your counterparty!" - i~'s the first line of safery in the Repo arena. Through Federaced's <br />Repo Program, you're in business with one of the most highly rated banking inscitutions in the <br />world: Swiss Bank Corporation. <br />Swiss Bank Corporation was founded in 1872 and is a top-tier global investment bank with a <br />presence in 37 countries on all five continents. Among the cen largest banks in the world, based <br />on assets under management , Swiss Bank carries an `AA+" counterparty racing and a`AAA" <br />short-term rating. Its subsidiary, Swiss Bank Capital Markets Group, is one of approximately 35 <br />"primary dealers" that handle the majority of activirv through the Federal Reserve. <br />EARN COMPETITIVE RATES, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY <br />Federated offers you several ways to invest: <br />(1) your income can be accrued and reinvested daily; or <br />(2) your income can be accrued and paid weekly; or <br />(3) your income can be accrued and paid monthly <br />The interest rate is established by Swiss Bank, who ensures that it remains compecitive wich <br />the nationally traded repurchase agreement market. (This rate should compare favorably <br />with a bank's deposic rate, alchough bank deposits do not have the additional securiry of a <br />Repo's government-backed collateral.) <br />YOUR INVESTMENT IS BACKED BY THE SAFETY <br />OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES <br />To further enhance yield or ensure the highest degree of quality, you can choose among <br />two collateralized portfolios: <br />Treasury Collateral <br />This portfolio consists of U.S. Treasury biils, bonds, and notes - the highest qualiry <br />instruments available. <br />Government Agenry Collateral <br />This portfolio consists of Treasuries and GNMA securities, plus high qualiry agency <br />securities including those issued by che Federal National Mortgage Association <br />(FNMA), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC)> and the Studenc Loan <br />Marketing Association (SLMA). <br />