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Recommended Changes to Courthouse Square floor Plan <br />June 14, 1999 <br />l. Move Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) from 4th floor to 3~d floor. <br />Explanation: The space allocated to Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is not adequate to <br />meet their space needs. They currently have 600 sf of space and are requesting <br />approximately 1000 sf. N2N will experience a 50% increase in staff by the time they <br />move into Courthouse Square and a 32% increase in caseload this year alone. Leaving <br />N2N on the 4`h floor will eliminate the future expansion space for other county <br />departments on the 4`h floor. It is proposed to move N2N to the 3`d floor with the District <br />Attorney. This move will also allow for future expansion space on the 4`h floor for <br />Support Services, BOC and/or Children & Families. Rent for the N2N program is paid <br />by the general fund. <br />2. Add four enclosed offices to Support Services and expand into the N2N space. <br />Explanation: The department originally requested 13 enclosed offices. Concerns about <br />construction costs and standardization resulted in a request to reduce this number to 7 <br />offices. The department has undergone significant change in the last year and believes <br />the privacy concerns and sensitive nature of some staff positions requires enclosed <br />offices. The additional positions requiring enclosed offices include: two personnel <br />analysts, loss control manager, benefits specialist and the training and development <br />coordinator. <br />These needs can be met by adding 4 additional offices and converting a small conference <br />room to an office. In addition, the conference room #4297 in the NE corner needs to be <br />relocated, office #4289 needs to be reduced in size and the door in office #4266 needs to <br />be relocated to the north side. <br />In order to secure adequate space for these additional offices and staff, the department is <br />requesting that the former space allocated to N2N be added to the Support Services office <br />space. <br />3. Relocate the Marion County Housing Authority (MCHA) from the 3"d floor to Stn <br />floor. <br />Explanation: The MCHA has 4,842 nsf on the 3~d floor with the remainder of the floor <br />occupied by the District Attorney. MCHA has indicated that they may need an additional <br />300 of floor space to accommodate new staff and storage needs. <br />