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Submittal Log - Pence Kelly
CS_Courthouse Square
Submittal Log - Pence Kelly
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Creation date
8/16/2011 10:56:24 AM
Submittal Log - Pence Kelly
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project Coordination
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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Pence/Kelly Construction, Inc. Courthouse Square <br />Submittal Log <br />• Job No: 99006 Date: 311100 <br />Project No: 99006 Page: 2 of 6 <br /> Required <br />- <br />_ _ Latest Datas <br />_ _ - <br />---- <br />Package Submittal Rev. Title Status Start Finish Rcvd. Sent Return Forward BIC <br />03200 03200-021 001 PT 1-21; P T System wlStamp APP 6/30199 6/30/99 7/21/99 7/21I99 <br />03200 03200-022 001 M2; Grnd Flr / Arcade Masonry AAN 6130/99 7/6/99 7123/99 7/23199 <br />03200 03200-023 001 FW3; Interior Walls AAN 7120199 7121199 8/16l99 8116199 <br />03200 03200-024 001 M3; North Prkng Lvl Masonry AAN 7123/99 7/26/99 BI16199 B/16/99 <br />03200 03200-025 001 SW-5; SouthWest Stair 5th Fir AAN 7/23199 7/30199 8/16/99 8116199 <br />03200 03200-026 001 PT 10-13; 2nd Deck AAN 7/21199 7/28/99 7I30/99 7/30199 <br />03200 03200-027 002 6F1; Roof AAN 10/13199 10/13199 10113/99 10/13199 <br />03200 03200-028 001 PT 14-17, 3rd, 4th, 5th Flr AAN 9/9~99 9~9~99 9~9~99 9~9~99 <br />03200 03200-029 001 SW 6; SW stairs 4th to Roof AAN 9/29l99 9/20/99 9/22/99 10111/99 t0111199 <br />03200 03200-030 001 Roof PT APP 9/29/99 10113199 10/13199 10/13/99 10113199 <br />03200 03200-031 001 Roof PT (for roof revision) AAN 9/29199 1119/99 11/9/99 1I3I00 1/3/00 <br />03200 03200-032 001 G2; Ground Fioor Stab APP 9129l99 12/3199 12/3199 12/9/99 12/9/99 <br />03200 03200-033 001 PT-6/7/Sl9 Rev 1-Bus Deck APP 9~29~99 12~7/99 ~2/7~99 1~19~99 ~z~9~99 <br />03200 03200-034 001 PT Friction Calcs APP 9/29/99 12/7/99 12/7~99 12/9~99 ~2/9~99 <br />03200 03200-035 001 GF3; Parking Deck Rebar AAN 9129/99 12/9/99 12/9/99 12/15/99 12/15/99 <br />03200 03200-036 001 GF4; Parking Deck Rebar AAN 9129/99 12/29199 12/29/99 1l6/00 1/7100 <br />03200 03200-037 001 GF-5; Gmd Flr North Arcades/Twr: APP 9/29199 1/14/00 1/14/00 1/14/00 1/14/00 <br />03200 03200-038 002 PT-G1-5; Grouted PT AAN 9/29199 1l31/00 1131/00 2/4I00 2/4I00 <br />03300 03300-001 001 Design 5.5-4 APP 4/6/99 4/6/99 4/9l99 4/9/99 <br />03300 03300-002 001 Design S.5~FM APP 4l6/99 4l6/99 4l9/99 4l9/99 <br />03300 03300-003 001 Design 5.5-4A APP 4/6199 4/6199 4/9/99 4/9199 <br />03300 03300-004 001 Design 5K-3FM APP 4/6/99 4/6/99 419199 4/9/99 <br />03300 03300-005 001 Design SK-3TFM APP 4/6/99 4/6199 4/9/99 4/9199 <br />03300 03300-006 001 Design 5K~ APP 4/6199 4/6/99 419199 4/9/99 <br />03300 03300-007 001 Design 5K~FM APP 4/6/99 4/6/99 4/9/99 4/9199 <br />03300 03300-008 001 Design SK~TFM APP 4/6/99 4I6/99 419199 4/9/99 <br />03300 03300-009 001 Design 5K-8 APP 4/6/99 4l6/99 4/9199 4/9199 <br />03301 03301 001 Mix Design UNS CAPITALC <br />03400 03400-001 001 Precast Shop Drawings (S of 10) APP 8/30199 8/31/99 10/6/99 10/6/99 <br />03400 03400-002 001 Precast (Nrth of 10) APP 9/29/99 10I5/99 10/t3l99 10/13199 <br />04210 04210-001 001 Masonry APP 4/5/99 4l5/99 4!9/99 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-002 001 Lt. Wt. CMU's APP 4/5/99 4/5/99 4/9/99 4l9/99 <br />04210 04210-003 001 Glass Block APP 4/5/99 4/5/99 419199 4/9/99 <br />04210 04210-004 001 Davis MoRar Color (a~ Brick APP 4/5/99 4I5/99 4/9199 4/9/99 <br />04210 04210-005 001 Hydratite Plus Mortar Admix APP 4l5199 4/5/99 4/9199 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-006 001 2000 psi grout APP 415/99 4l5/99 4l9/99 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-007 001 Seismic Tie System @ Stud Wall APP 4/5/99 415/99 4/9199 4/9/99 <br />04210 04210-008 001 Seismic Ladur-Eye @ CMU Wall APP 4/S199 4/5/99 419/99 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-009 001 DA 131 Dovetail @ Concrete Wall APP 4l5/99 4!5/99 4/9/99 419199 <br />04210 04210-010 001 CMU Control Joint - Narrow Flange APP 4!5/99 4/5/99 4/9199 4/9l99 <br />04210 04210-011 001 Plastic Weeps APP 415199 4/5/99 4l9/99 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-012 001 Mortat Net APP 4I5/99 415/99 4l9199 4/9/99 <br />04210 04210-073 001 Perm-A-Barrier Flashing APP 4/5/99 4/5/99 4/9199 4!9/99 <br />04210 04210-014 001 Type S Mortar APP 4l5/99 4/5/99 4/9l99 4/9199 <br />04210 04210-015 001 S.S. Drip Edge Flashing APP 4/5/99 4I5/99 4/9199 4!9/99 <br />05120 05120-001 001 P112 Rebar Embeds @ Shearwalls AAN 4121/99 4/23/99 4/28/99 4128/99 <br />05120 05120-002 002 E1-11/St/P3 Layout / Embeds AAN 5114/99 S119/99 5/26199 5126199 <br />05120 05120-003 001 Embeds at Arcades AAN 8/3199 8l3199 8111/99 8/11/99 <br />05120 05120-004 001 Stair Embeds AAN 7127/99 8/3/99 9/15/99 9/15/99 <br />05120 05120-005 001 P6; Embed 6 APP 8/4199 8/4199 8124/99 9/20/99 <br />05120 05120-006 001 E4; Embed Layout APP 8/4/99 8!4/99 8116/99 8/16/99 <br />Raport R_SB_JI <br />EzpeditionP~ <br />
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