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CS_Courthouse Square
Miscellaneous Correspondence
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Last modified
9/19/2012 4:28:22 PM
Creation date
8/16/2011 1:46:15 PM
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project Coordination
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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NOV.30.1999 4~45PM FIRSTWORLD NW N0.859 P.3i9 <br />.,-r_r,.,....~i . <br />/ <br />~~_~~~~ <br />.,,. <br />F ~ a s~r ~+v~o R~ o~ <br />FirstWorld Northwest Work Order ~ <br />FirstWorld Northwest Tenns and Conditions <br />99~a546r1 <br />Date: November 16, 1999 <br />1. FfrstWorld Northw~st will implement this installation in axordenoe with the National Electric~l Code, State and Local mandates and within EIA s <br />TIA telecommunications install8tion standards. <br />2. FirstWorid Northwest will warran~+ this projed !or one year irom the date of prajed axeptance for materiafs and IaDor unless otherwise noted in <br />the scope of Wolic <br />3. <br />FirstWorld Northwest assumes that this work may be performed during normal business hours unless noted otherwise in the scope of work. <br />4. Fi~stWorld Northwest assumes~that no asbestos will be encounteted dufing this installation. This quotation does not include removal or <br />abatement of any asbestos or asbestos cantaminated matsrials. <br />5. FirstWorld Northwest assumes that ail cables wip be placed above a typical drop ceiling with remo~able lay-in tles unless noted othervuise in the <br />scope of wo~lc. <br />8. FirstWorld Northwest assumes that eonditfons affecting this woric have not ehanged slnce the time of our site visitation. <br />7. FirstWorld Nortlr~-est assumes~tnat any conduits or noeways sd~eduled for re use during the s(te walkthrough ere of suffident eapacity for the <br />proposed cables and are not demaged or blodced in any way. <br />6. FitstWoAd Northwest assumes that suffiaeM rack space end power are available for the fisted equipment. <br />90 <br />FrstWorld Northwest assumes that there will be unimpeded acaess to ell neoessary wo~C areas for the duration of the projed. <br />10. The customer fs to provide FirstWorld Northwest with a Lift Truck tor extemal work and a Scissor lift far intemal work for the duration of the <br />projeet unless otherwise noted in the scope of work. <br />11. <br />The eustomer will provide e dean and safe environm6nt for the duration of this project. Whete applicable, the customer will inform FirstWorld <br />Northwest representatives of any hazardous woricing conditions and provide appropriate trafning and precautlons <br />12• This quote is valid fior thirty (30) days irom the dete shown. FiratWorld Northwest reserves the right to adjust this quotati4n for any phases of this <br />project that are scheduied for campletion l~eyond sizty (60) days irom the date shown below. <br />ProJect Speclfle Addidonal Assumptions; <br />Accaptanee of Tenns and Condlllons : <br />Wa~C Ure Customeor Huouph C1s above (arms an0 maKe mo~/'ieaNons or sddNons as rKrokQ Naue the l~s[omer MI~eYre below egraeMg r~ar the ~rms as uy~Mn a aa modified <br />ers soceptsbk. <br />Custom~r Signature , Date ~irstWo~ld Initials <br />71/30/88 Terms and Condltions 99-~548r1 Page 2 <br />
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