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and that proposed, the comParative advantages and disadvantages of each, <br />a justification when an item's function or characteristics are being altered, <br />and the effect of the change on the end item's performance• <br />2. A Gst and analysis of the contrad requirements that must be changed if the <br />VECP is accepted, including any suggested sPecification revisions. <br />3. A separate, detailed cost estimate for (i) the affected portions of the <br />existing contract requirement and (ii) the VECP. The cost reduction <br />associated with the VECP shall take into account the Contrador's <br />allowable development and implementation costs. <br />4. A description and estimate of costs the Owner may incur in implementing <br />the VECP, such as test and evaluation and operating and suPPort costs. <br />S. A prediction of any effects the proposed change would have on collateral <br />costs to the agency. <br />6. A statement of the time by which a contract modification accepting the <br />VECP must be issued in order to achieve the maximum cost redudion, <br />noting any effect on the contrad completion time or delivery schedule. <br />7. Identification of any previous submissions of the VECP, including the <br />dates submitted, the agencies and contract numbers involved, and previous <br />Owner actions, if known. <br />D. Submission. The Contractor shall submit VECP's to the project mana8er's <br />representative at the worksite, with a copy to the Owner. <br />E. Owner action. <br />1. The Owner shall notify the Contractor of the status of the VECP within <br />the time specified in the'VECP or as mutually agreed between the parties. <br />ff additional time is required, the Owner shall notify the contrador within <br />the specified or agreed time period and provide the reason for the delay <br />and the expected date of the decision. The Owner will process VECP's <br />expeditiously; however, it shall not be liable for any delay in acting upon a <br />VECP. <br />2. If the VECP is not accepted, the Owner shall notify the Contrador in <br />writing, explaining the reasons for rejection. The Contractor may <br />withdraw any VECP, in whole or in part, at any time before it is accepted <br />by the Owner. The Owner may require that the Contractor provide written <br />notification before undertaking sigtificant expenditures for VECP effort. <br />3 <br />