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12lD8/98 15:02 <br />,12-DA•AA 18:65 FAON- <br />'$`509 588 5297 Df~1RI0N C0. COAS. <br />STOEL RIVES <br />s sw ~m,a~s~ sWrre zsoo <br />pomw,o. oae,nan a72os <br />Rb~r. P_ Ernarsirc P~+an+Ew <br />p~p~crl.~xE. 5603)CBqSi295 <br />F~c; 1503) 224a49D <br />Memorandum <br />~O: $ILLY Wn550N <br />CC: L~II~ H,1N$EIY~ $COTT ~'L6~~Iflrl"Sr NANCY VVATICINS <br />FROM: $PW.D_ElNOW51:1 <br />y+-. RISIt ~002/011 <br />T-4T5 p_o2/1o F-o43 <br />RQ: R.F.QllISITiON CERTIFIC'nT~S hOR FL~NAS Tt~ D6 DTSBIRiSE~ nT <br />CL~OSING ' <br />DnTE: A6LF.AIBER $a 1998 <br />Wirh the closin~ set far nexc week, it's dme zo begin gaTherin~ the informatioa we'll need <br />w disbtuse funds as closing. To that end, I am cransmitting hetewiih zwo torms of ltequisition <br />Certifiaatrs rhat will bt heeded. Th3 explanatiun of ~hese two cutificates and the inFormaiion <br />thaz will be needed io tamplete eackt is as follows: <br />T'he Reimbursemeot Requisixion: The one entitled "Reimbursement Ftet~uisition" is io be use <br />o~ for the purpose of reimbursing the County for Project rxpenditures rh.2r were acrut~lly pard <br />to rhird parties prior ro the cfosing dRre. Thus, for exapaple, the various projtc[ zxpenditu:es diaG <br />were fittanced on an inierim basis eui vf the Solid Waste inm#'und loan would be reimbursed <br />pursuan[ xp this Requisitioa. <br />No~e: The Couniy tvil! not draw moneys to repay the Solid Wasre loan per se. J2acher, <br />the Counry will draw moneys ta reimbune itselF for the expenditures tha[ were Fnnnced <br />fram [he SoliQ Wa~te loan, and chen may, of course, use ihe reimburse[~ent moneys so <br />zepay TJxe Solid 'Waste loan. Also note that ~e Counry rnnnor u$e Certificate pro~e€ds <br />to U5Y aIlv irit~t'CSi en ~he Soiid Wa~e loan sinre such interest is noz permiRed so 6e <br />reimbursed under applica6le IRS nile~. ~~~ a~~~o <br />To comgle[e The R~'Lmbwserne4i Acquis5[iors, ~he Covnry Quid fil1 ouz Exhibi~ A atsached <br />thereto wltich calls for. (1) ~Yie date ~Yie expenditure was paid i shird pacEy; (2) the o e of <br />r~ e.KpendimYe (derailed enough to shaw that it was a Ceurthous~ 5quare expendimre ; anid (3) <br />iYtemorandum Page i <br />izioeiae ~ is:o2 <br />IZ-08-88 18~55 $5q3 588 5237 <br />FAnu_ ,.... _ <br />