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__, ~0/98 15:03 '$5D3 588 52~7 DSARION CP. C00i. -~-~~ RISA ~1007/Oll ._ <br />12-08-eB 18:56 FRaM- i-4T5 P.OT/tu F-043 <br />RE~URSEMENT <br />REQUISITIQN CERTIFICA`,~'.~ <br />TU: Nornest Sank Minnesots, N.A., Trustee <br />FROM: Marion Counry, Oregan (the "Counry") <br />SUBJEGT= S22,UOO.ODU CelKificates aY Panc~ipaiion (Cout'~house Sq~are Projcet), 1998 <br />Series A <br />This represen[s Reimhursement RequisitSon Cen~caze No. 1 in the tofal amount <br />of $ to pay ~ose aosrs of ihe Pmjeet darailed in EYhibit A atsached heraco. All tertns <br />used herein and noS orherwise defined heiein shal! have the respective meanings assigrted thereto <br />in che Finan~ing and Trusi .agreemeni dated as of December 1, 1498 hetween Marion County, <br />dregon (the "Cotixay"j and shr above-named Tnuiee. <br />The undeXSigied does certify shat: <br />1. Prior w the data of issuance of ihe a6ovz-cap~ioned c~rtificatas of par~iciparion <br />(the "199$ Certificates"), the County incutred and paid various expenditures relarin~ [a ihe <br />Courthotc~e Square Pxaject (colleetively, ihe "Pr~-lssuanee Expenditura5"), ttill Pte-lssuance <br />Expendir~aes were capiral expzndintres wiehin Lhe meanisig of Regutr'uiuru Sec~ion 1.150-1(b) (clutt <br />is, expendi[ures chai are properly chazgeable to r]te capital account of ihe Coucchouse Square <br />Projecr, or [ha[ would be so chazgeable with eitlter a proper elec[ion to do so or rht application <br />of the placed•in•servicz rules undet Regulations Seetxon 1.150-3(c)). <br />2_ Pw~uanc [o a resoluaun adopted by rhe ~oard of Comnxissioners of the County <br />on March 5, 1997'(Ihe "O~Iicial [atettc Declsrauon"), the County declared iss imem ta reimburse <br />iuelf out o~ the Courthouse Square Prnceeds of ~he 1998 Crx[ificates for The Pm-issuance <br />ExprndiLUres relaiing xo the F7ojecr. In order to conform to the definition of a"reimbursemenc <br />allocarion" comained in kegulations Secuon 1.15u-2(c), the County is submitting to ihe Tzu~te4 <br />wiihin 3p days oFthe dare of issuance of ihe 1998 Cerrificates this requieition for•Procneds af The <br />1998 CertiFica[zs xo reimburse iuelf for Pte-issuatiae Exptnditwes in thc aznouat af <br />$ (the "Reimbursed &xpenditures"). n11 su¢h Reimbursed ~xpenditur~s were eiShzr: <br />(i) psid by the Cvunty a'her the dase that is 60 days prior to ihe date o~'rthe <br />43't'icial InLenc Declasati4n; ar. <br />(ii) consisc of "prelimihazy expendiiures" as defuxed in Regulasions 9ection <br />1.15a-2(fl(2~: or <br />