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12/08/f18 15:OJ <br />tz-oa-ae ~a;5s <br />$503 588 5297 <br />FROIM <br />~[~1RION C0. COD[. +-~+ RISA <br />r~ooaioii <br />T-d15 p_OB/10 F-043 <br />{iii) ro the ex[enx noi described in {i) or (ii) abnVe, consist of zxpenditures <br />in an s~gregate tunount that does noi exceed ~he lesser of $100,000 or 5% oF%he <br />Pxoceeds o#'the 1498 Cerrificates (~he applicable limii in this case being $100,Q00). <br />'Ihe a~regate atnaiwt af the preliminary expendiiures referred w in (ii) above thai are included <br />in [he Reimbursed Expenditures daes not exceed 20 pexcent of the aggtegate issue price of rhe <br />199$ Cenificatcs. <br />3. The County ipcends this Iteimbursement Requisirion Cett~cate io cons[itute a <br />re9mburszment allotauon from Proce~ds o£[he 1998 Cerrificaus depusited in ihe Project Account <br />for [he p-upose of tCimbursing iLyelC For $ of Pre-is~uance Expend~tures, as shown on <br />Exhibis A attached hereio (rhe "Reimbursemen~ AllacauaA"}. Upon receipt of the ~mount <br />requis{tion~d, xhe Coun[y wil! credit suc~ amaunt Yn the County's gen~ral checking account by <br />making appropriare eu~ies on ih~ books and recorda of ih~ Cauniy thai aze main~ainrd wish <br />rtspect to said general checkir~ account. The County hereby aovenants and agrees rhat no <br />amaunss received by rhe Counsy pursua~~t ro svch Reicnburseinent Allacasion will be used, within <br />v~+e year &om the date hereof, [o make any depo~i[ in any fund or aecoun~ relating to any other <br />issue of fedet~ally tax-exempt obligarions (o[her rhan any such fuad a~ accounr thai constiiutes a <br />"6ona fide debt ser~vice fund" within thc mean~ng of Regul~sioris § 1-14&-1(b)), nar will such <br />tur~ounts be used in titty manner ihaz would couse them to be pr becom~ replacemen[ procceds <br />(wit~iin ihc meani~tg of ~2egulatioru § 1,14$-1(c)) fox the 1995 Bonds or any other issue of <br />federally tsx-exempz obligations, <br />4. The exptaditures for which moneys aze requisi[ion~d h~reby iepresen4 proper <br />charges against iha Pznjeci 'Ftind, have nes been included in a previous zaquisition and havc becn <br />properly recorded an rhe County's books. '~'he expendin~[es for which moneys tue hercby requisi- <br />tian~d aze set forth in Exhibit a attached 1»reto, wish paid invoices atsacl7ed for any sums for <br />which reimbursernent is roquested. <br />5. x'he maneys requisizioned hereby aze noi greater ~han xhosc necessary to meet <br />obligauans d~~ and payab]e ar [o reimburae ihe County fot iu fwids actually advaneed for tasis <br />of the Praject ond do not represent a raimbursemera zo the Counsy for worl:ing capisal. <br />G. The Caunty is no[ in dcfault undzr the Loan Agreemrn~ and nothing }aas <br />occurred ia She knowledge of ihe County thai would prevoat the pecfonnance of iis ab]igatiohs <br />under the Loan wgreement. <br />7. a.ll af che flm,ds being rtquisirioned are heing used in cvmpiience with the <br />Tax Covenanu. <br />12i~8ig8 <br /> l.a.~15~~~ aa.. <br />