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emo <br />To: Billy Wasson <br />From: Craig R. Lewis - Project Manager <br />Date: 03/25/98 <br />R~ Speculative Space Rental Rate Sensitivity Analysis <br />Billy- <br />We have run Prospective Cash Flow Analysis for the speculative space at $1.55 per morrth and $1.50 <br />per month. The impact on the County's rental rate under these scenarios appears to be fairly minimal. <br />According to the models, if Marion County can only lease the 15,302 sf of space for $1.55 mo./ rsf, the <br />County lease space must increase rent by $.088 per year or $.007 per mo. If Marion Courrty can only <br />lease the 15,302 sf of space for $1.50 mo./ rsf, the County lease space must increase rent by $.176 per <br />year or $.014 per mo. <br />I have included the Prospective Cash Flow spread sheets to illustrate the analysis. I do not <br />recommend widely distributing these spreadsheets in light of the number of models already floating <br />around. I believe most peopfe were more interested in the °rule of thumb" rather than the models <br />anyway. <br />Please call if you have questions or require anything further on this action item. <br />, <br />Z~~ ~~ <br />• Page 1 <br />