MAY c~ '9~ 14~~~ PRUDENTIAL
<br />~
<br />P.B
<br />~
<br />At7ACitHEHi'f pROVIDED, ALWAYS,'and fhoee,presenl~ ers upon thow coadJtlons, that {I) ti fhe lesase .r,arr r,o ~~ A/fOQl1 In the
<br />I~A2iKRUi'r • ~yn~oot o! sald renf fN e perlod o? len daya a/ter the ~eme becomaa Jue, or (1) 11 1he lesaee ahall 1al! o~ neQlocf fo
<br />ARPAUi.T
<br />do, keey, pe-larm o~ aUeerve Any o~ (he covenenfs enA egreaments conlalned ho~eln on reas~'• o+~•r io be dono, epf,
<br />pa~larn~ed ~nd observoJ ~nJ oiul~ dolsull ahall cortflnue loi ten doya or rt~o~o alter .rrlttan nollce o! such ~QiJure o~ no-
<br />~lee! sha!! ba gJven fo leasoe, or (3) !! the le~9ee sleaff be deelareJ 4enk~unl or inaulven( aeeordlnQ ~o law, or (I) !f aar O~Ol~nnlpl~f o!
<br />loaaee i y~oDerty aha!! La made !or [l~e bonal!! ol oroJltoaa, or (S) 1! on Lhe esplrallon o! rhla loase looxe (eila [o sueter~der nosae~alon ol
<br />JaiC loasod pren~leea, lhen end !n eilhei o~ any ol aald casoa or e~enfa, lhe ~e~sor o~ Il~ose havrnQ leasor'a oafa/e !n fho y~en3lae~, a~ay
<br />1oro~7nete fhh leaae and, lawla!!y, e! h1a or lhoir op~Ion FmmaJlafely or el any tlu~e ttierealler, without don~and or no!lco, may entar Jnlo
<br />end uyor+ anld do~nlsod v~an~j~~ snJ every parl lhereol and rooosxaa fhe ssate es ot loaaor'e torr~i e~tate, ~nd ezpe! ield lessee ~nd
<br />fhose elalnilnQ by, through and undor lesseo aru! ~emove leasee's ellecta al leasae'~ ospenao, torcldly i! ~IOCa9lfl[y a~ui etore !he eeme, s!~
<br />wt~l~ou! baln~ dbemed guilty o! lreapasa and ~v(ehout yroJudtce to aay temedy which othorwlse a~iPhf bs useJ !or arroara o! renf or yre•
<br />ceC1nQ breath o! tovoeanl.
<br />. Neither the ls~mineflort of fhis Ieeao by larfoltS~~o no~ tlie la&in~ or recovery o! yo~sesaion o! tho promlaas shel! daprlvo loaao~ o(
<br />eay o(1~er ecf~on, /i~1~t, or remedy against lessue !or paaaoaaion, ront or Junee~es, not sl:alJ eny omiasion by leaaor fo enlaree a~iy lurloilirtq,
<br />ri~ht or roaiody to wleeeb leuor n~y bo eaililleJ be Jeamed a weivar by leasor o~ tho rlght !o eii(orco !ho /xrlornanco oI a71 icrrn~ a~id
<br />ton~lilionl ol lhis Iea~e by leasee.
<br />In fla overat ol sny ~e-enfry by lessor, lus~or r{~ay leaae or relat fhe p~onilsee 1n whula or ire Dert to a~iy lenenl or tenanls wFio m~y
<br />be saHslselo~y 10 lesso~, 1or eny duraflon, a~id lor f1~e lrea! rent, fonus aaJ cu~iJitJc,aa oe lessor aisy reaaunaGly obtaln. Ltasor eha!! epply
<br />(be reuf ~aeo7ve<I /ruin auy new lenn.~l liret fu the eoef ~>! rotek(ng aod relo~tl++/ 1Ae ~>~eu~is~e, ii:cludeog remodelinQ isQ~~lred 10 oLfoln eny
<br />new ten~nt, and cGan ~o a+ty a[leare o! roee[ arrl lufura renl yeyeble unde~ flua loaso snd r,uy othet demagea lo whieh lessor mey be entifleJ
<br />hereuruler.
<br />Any y~oyer(y w1~Jcli leasee Iaavaa ori tHo Dremiaes slter abuadonaient or eiplreeion ol rhe laaee, or loF more fhan ton daya allcr aay
<br />ferminatioe o( tGe loeae by Ia~rJlvrd, ahu!! be daen~ed'fo have ixen aG~~~doaaJ, nnd lesaor rr+ny remove end se1! aaid proporty at pu6Jic or
<br />yrivate aale as loesos seea llt, wlllaou! bainQ fiaGle tor e~~y p~osecution !lu~olor o~ !u~ d9n~ages by reason fhersol, .net the r,ot n.ocoeda of
<br />aaid aolo ahal! !x appliorl lowaid the e:per~ses o( lendiurd aru! ron[ aa alorosald, a.~d tha Lalance oi such enwunls, iL any, ahatl be held !or
<br />and paid to~ho tessao.
<br />AYER~N~ ~n fhe event tf~e leseee for eny reneon shefl ho/d ovel ellel !he eiylreflon ot lhla lesae, auch holdfr~ ovor aha11 not
<br />be deemsd !o oyerote ~~ a rermw9l or ezlonslon o1 thla leeae, but eha11 only uerte a ter+er~oy Lom awn~A to a-onlh
<br />~h1ch mer be fermineted at w!!! a~ any fiaio Ly the lea~or.
<br />AtT01tNET 7n caso au!! or aetion le lri.sll~uled !o onlo~ee complJence with eny o( 1he [orrsu, eoveaanl~ o~ wndltlona of thla lease,
<br />PBE.9 AND o~ ~a ~jlect 11~e renlal whlch rr3ay~ 4atomo Jue 1~e~euuder, w any por[ion ~hereol, the /oa1q~ party eQroea fo pey eucA
<br />l'AUA7 C08T8 ~rn aa tho fria! cour~ aiay adjucB~e teawr~aGle ea at~orney'a lees ~o be a!lo~red tho prevslllnQ ye~fy !!1 such sult or
<br />acfion and !n !ho ovenf any appoal la laken lron~ eny juJgment or docfee !n si+ch s~s1! o~ eclJon, lhe loaing pe~rr
<br />a¢rees !o pay sueb fur(lror aum os tho avrerraro eov~e shs!! aJJuJge ~eaaonable es p~evnifinc pa~1y'~ sflo~nor • loea on wth nppeal. The
<br />Jeeaoe aprees to psy •nd d7scl~aiQe a!! los~o~'a coala s~id espentea. JrticludJnQ les~or'i ~oaaonaLlo atlwney'• looa tLu! shnll erl~e lroni en-
<br />lotclnQ anr pro~7alon or covonsnls ol fhla loaso evon tf+ou~h no iult o~ acllon Is lrtafltuted.
<br />tvAlYE1t qqy welYOf by the lessor of eny breach o! any covetsao! hereln con/sined lo be J~e~! and pe~lamed by fhe leaeee el~el!
<br />oot be deerned o~ conalderod a~ a, conlinaing wa7rer, and ~half ~ol ope~efe to bar or yrevenl the 7a~eor t~on~ declerloQ
<br />a/or~eilci~e 1or ~ey aueeeeJin~ breech, eIlher o! the seme condle7oe o~ covenent o~ ocherwlee.
<br />1VOT~CPB Aoy ootlca ~eauJrod by lhe lerau ol thla tesse !a be ~1ven by one pa~ty ?+ereto fo !he o«r or deslred eo fo Le Ql.en,
<br />eha11 be aufflaient Jt 1~ wrJtle~g eor~talneJ !n e aealed envoJope, doDa,~tad ln the U. S. ReQleleted &fs11~ w1lh posteae
<br />1 301 N. E. Broadwa , Porl.iar
<br />lulJy prepeJd, end JI Jnfended lar the leseor l~are7~ eben I! addreea6d to saJd leasor et ....................................----•••------_..~..._-----.....-•.----.....
<br />...........g._..._...._......C_..---~--•~------ ......--~ .......................................••-•--.._........._.....-•---°-.end Jf !n(onJod Iot the Ied9ee, lhon 7! add~osaed !o t
<br />--...-----
<br />Salem,______... o, 97301
<br />Qre on 97232 .... -----------~ ......................................e,.o~it~iherao
<br />Jeaaee at ---~'~-~-~-------Q~~.~r.....~~r.tirr..~..~~..fia_ ~.:._~.- ............. . . Q~~g,...~..,,,..,..... .•---~---.......
<br />Arty such nodce shaf1 be deemad ooiulwlvely to hev4 been deNvorod fo tho eddrneaee lhereo! fo~ly-o1Qh! hours nlfer the d A
<br />In asld U. S. ReQl~lored ~ails. ~ o r c e r t i, f i e d
<br />I1£JR3 •Nn et11 rlehfa, retr+edlss end lJa6iJ11Jer horoln Qlven fo or Imposed upon eifhar ol lhe pa~lles horeto ahal! ezlend to, lrwee
<br />A88IQN8 la lhe bene!!f of •nd LFaJ. aa the cl~tvmetences moy roQuira, tho lielts, ejeailor~, adminii~rafo~s, ec+ces+ao~~ e~d. r
<br />!ar es thi~ 1ea~e f~ asal~nable by ehe ferm ho~ool, to, !ho ase7gae o! eaeh parllea.
<br />In conatrvinQ !hb laeae, ll le u~de~~tood lhel !he leasor o~ the le~seo may be a~ots tAan one yoraon; lhat If the conle=! so reQul~as,
<br />fhe alagula~ Wonou~ ahalJ be eeken to mean end lqetude lhe D1~cietl, the maaailfr~e, the l f~~R~ el~rt io~~r of~~l~; ardelo~l ~ viduali~.
<br />~rernetlcel ehaaQos ahalJ be c+ade, eascemed eru[ lmpl,~ed fo meke tho provlslone boreot eDp y e4 Y P
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective perties
<br />dey end yeet litst heroi~ wtifton, s, oorporation
<br />~
<br />G ~
<br />._. ...._-•-•- --._.____.__._ ................._.------......_.............. ._...
<br />~~ Edward E. Gaodman-Cherrier,
<br />_._........._....I,r.~~ S 0 R....._.._.__.--------•--..._._.._..._......._...
<br />heye ezeeated this insttument in dupJieate on thrs, !h~
<br />si~neture bein~ by euthority ot ~ts Board of Directo~s.
<br />J~m. ~---M,~_..Hs~r.1Q~. ...._ ...................
<br />.....B.Y.... ........__.._.._ .._.... ........_--~
<br />ti e
<br />....._....._. ....---...~: .~:.5-=_..---__...---~--- ..._...._........_...
<br />LESSEE
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