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~..~ <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />Prequal~f~cation of Bidders <br />~ <br />No prequalification of bidders is required for this Contract. <br />~equests for Bidding Documents <br />Bidding documents may be obtained on September 5, 1997 by calling <br />Marion County Risk Management at 503/588-5294 for a packet to be <br />mailed, or can be picked up at the Risk Management office, 5th <br />floor of the Marion County Courthouse, 100 High Street, N.E. Room <br />5203, Salem, Oregon, 97301. <br />Proposal GuarantX <br />No Bid Proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a <br />Cashier's Check, Certified Check or Bid Bond, payable to Marion <br />County for an amount at least.equal to ten percent (10%) of the <br />aggregate amount of the Bid Proposal, which sum shall be <br />forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder <br />neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide a suitable <br />bond for the faithful performance of the work in the event the <br />contract is awarded to him. <br />The Bid Proposal Bond must be executed upon the County's standard <br />proposal bond form, a copy of which is attached to this proposal. <br />Submittal of Proposals <br />Bid Proposals shall be delivered to A1 Davidson, Marion County <br />Clerk, Marion County Courthouse, 100 High Street NE, Salem, <br />Oregon 97301, in a sealed envelope (minimum size 9" x 12"), <br />plainly labeled "BID PROPOSAL FOR PRE-CONSTRUCTION REMEDIAL <br />ACTIVITIES". The name and address of the bidder shall be <br />included on the outside of the sealed envelope. The firm name <br />and the name and title of the representative executing the <br />signature must be printed, written,or typed on the bid proposal <br />in ink. The signature must also be in ink. <br />The award will be made by the Marion County Board of <br />Commissioners to the lowest responsible bidder. The "Lowest <br />Responsible Bidder" means the lowest Bidder who has substantially <br />