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~r` ,,~ ~ <br />'V. MATERL4LS AND SUPPLIES <br />A. Materials and supplies consumed during the course of the work will be billed at <br />applicable rates. <br />B. Materials and supplies may be provided from Foss Environmental stock or by direct <br />purchase for the project, depending upon the quantity of materia(s required, project <br />lead-time and availability. <br />1) Materials and supplies utilized from stock will be charged at the current listed <br />price (see Appendix A). <br />2) Materials and supplies purchased for the project will be charged at cost plus <br />15%. _ <br />C. Materials and supplies prices do not include personnel time for project-related <br />ordering, handling and shipping, etc. <br />'VI.VEHICLES AND EQUTPMENT <br />See Vehicle and Equipment Notes below for additional information regarding billing <br />practices. <br />A Vehicles: plus ,50. 70 per mile, over SO miles from home port <br />Crew/Su~port: ~ <br />DESCRIPTION <br />UTII..ITY VEHICLE - UNDER 1 TON PER DAY <br />$55.00 PER MILE <br />$0.25 <br />GEAR TRUCK - 1 TON $67.00 $0.38 <br />GEAR TRUCK - 2-3 TON $80.00 $0.50 <br />GEAR TRUCK - S TON $95.00 $0.55 <br />GEAR TRUCK -10 TON $100.00 $0.60 <br />GEAR TRUCK 14' SUPPORT VAN $70.00 $0.50 <br />~'L ~~ ~~ w~~ $120.00 N/C <br />TR.ACTOR - DIESEL $232,00 $0.70 <br />VACUUM TRUCK DEMURRAGE $80.00 N/C <br />EMERGENCY RESPONSE VAN~ 3 TON . $160,00 $0.70 <br />Dr~mp Trucks: ptus $0.70 per mile, over SO miles from home port <br /> STRAIGHT . PREMIUM <br />DESCRIPTION T~ OVERTIlViE TIME <br />DUMP TRUCK -1o YD $68.00 $79.00 $88.00 ~~ <br />DUIv~ TRUCK -10 YD W/ PUP $68.00 $79.00 $88.00 <br />END DUIviP - 18 YD $68.00 $79.00 $88.00 <br />