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'~~,.r <br />~ <br />DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />SECTION 01010 <br />SUMMARY OF WORK <br />PART 1 - GENERAL <br />Based on site investigations and historical information, Marion County has identified several <br />areas on the Courthouse Square site which require remediation or investigation. Several areas of <br />known or suspected underground storage tanks (USTs) will be decommissioned by removal or <br />investigated, respectively. Several areas of known or suspected soil contamination will be <br />removed or investigated by excavation, respectively. The project Owner is Marion County and <br />the project Engineer is Century West Engineering. The objective of the remedial activities is to <br />prepaze the site for redevelopment and achieve site closure from the Oregon Department of <br />Environmental Quality (DEQ). <br />The general remedial approach for this site is excavation and off-site disposal of contaminated <br />soil to the extent practicable. Excavation will extend to a minimum of the construction <br />excavation depth (approximately 12 feet below ground surface (bgs)). Excavation of soil <br />contamination exceeding cleanup levels located below 12 feet bgs will generally not proceed <br />beyond three feet below the groundwater table (for a maximum excavation depth of <br />approximately 16 feet bgs). The lateral extent of remedial excavation will continue until <br />confirmation samples collected from the extent of the excavation aze below DEQ cleanup levels <br />as practicable to support site closure; excavation will not extend beyond the curb into the street. <br />Individual excavations will generally be left open to be incorporated into construction excavation <br />activities, meeting applicable OSHA requirements. Contaminated soil will be stockpiled, <br />sampled, and analyzed prior to off-site disposal. <br />If groundwater is encountered while excavating contaminated soil, it will be pumped out into <br />portable storage tanks for characterization and appropriate off-site treatment/disposal. <br />1.1 l?ESCRIPTION <br />A. The subject properly is the entire block bounded by Court, Church, Chemeketa, <br />and High Streets in Sa1em, Oregon (Figure 1). Building demolition on this block <br />has been completed (including basements and footings), and construction (by <br />others) of a new office building with a one-level subsurface pazking garage is <br />planned. <br />B. The primary contaminants of concern are both gasoline and diesel range <br />petroleum hydrocarbons. Some locations may also contain constituents associated <br />with used oil, including solvents, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls. <br />C. The work includes but is not limited to UST Decommissioning/Investigation and <br />Soil RemovaVInvestigation at the locations on the subject property described in <br />Table 1. The "Item #" presented in Table 1 corresponds to locations identified on <br />Figure 2. <br />s~-~y ofwo~ oioio-i <br />