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~ ~ <br />1378 <br />(a) Lease or. ren,tal charges, <br />(b) Personal or real property taxes, <br />(c) Insurance premiums, and <br />(d) Utility charges, excluding impact fees. <br />(11) Impact fees or one-time assessments for anticipated heavy utility usage. <br />(12) Other reestablishment expenses determined by the Agency to be <br />essential to reestablishment of the business, nonprofit organization or <br />farm that are not listed as ineligible in Paragraph 4-4. <br />~• Agencv Waiver of Ceilines in Para ra hs 4 3b(31 (8) and (10). The dollar <br />ceilings set forth in Paragraphs 4-3b(3), (8) and (10) may be waived by the <br />~gency for good cause. However, the ma~dmum payment under this <br />Paragraph 4-3 is $10,000. <br />d• Ontional Claim Form. Section F of form HUD-40055, included in Appendix <br />16, can be used to claim reestablishment expenses. <br />4-4. MOVING AND REESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES THAT ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. <br />a• Reasonable and Necessarv. A displaced person is eligible for payment of <br />moving, reestablishment and related expenses to the e~ctent that the Agency <br />determines such expenses to be reasonable and necessary. The Agency may <br />limit reimbursement to the amount required to accomplish the objective of the <br />payment by the least costly method that does not cause undue hardship. <br />b• Generallv Ineli 'bl~ e Expenses. The following expenses are ineligible under <br />Paragraph 4-2 or 4-3: ~ <br />(1) L.oss of goodwill; or <br />(2) Loss of profits; or <br />(3) L.oss of trained employees; or <br />(4) Personal injury; or <br />(5) Interest on a loan to cover any costs of moving or reestablishment <br />expenses; or <br />y~~~~ 4-6 <br />