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<br />'~ `~"~ <br />The cost of the dumpsters was $1,398.50. It is reasonable to apply those costs against the <br />Housing Authority's claim of $2,250 to relocate tenants. I forwarded payment of $851.50 which <br />was returned by Kilfoil in May of this year. Considering there were numerous <br />considerations and final outcome was managed by General Services, we believe the $851.50 <br />settlement is fair and equitable because both partners share in the resolution and cost of vacating <br />the hotel apartments. The warrant for $851.50 is enclosed. <br />The second is a relocation claim for moving the Housing Authority business offices. A <br />relocation claim as defined by the Relocation Act of 1970 provides for the tenant to claim actual <br />moving expenses. The Courthouse Square Project paid the movers direct for moving expenses <br />of $3,228.48. (Your staff was highly complimented by the movers because they were efficient <br />packers and well orga.nized.) <br />In addition, "reimbursable" expenses such as remodeling, furnishings, printing and 24 months <br />rent increases are allowed up to a maximum of $10,000. Here is summary of these expenses. <br />Prorated remodeling of 4963 square feet @ <br />$6.3939/sq ft paid direct by MC Courthouse Square Project $31,732.93 <br />Anticipated Rent increase to be paid by MCHA $ 3,816.96 <br />Furniture, panels and printing paid by MCHA $ 4,834.00 <br />Total claim $40,383.89 <br />Since the maximum allowable claim is $10,000, it is appropriate that the claim payment <br />reimburse the Courthouse Square Project rather than the Housing Authority. Both the project <br />and your agency have made significant contributions to your office move. A summary of the <br />agency contributions is: <br />Courthouse Square Project movers and claim $13,228.48 <br />Marion County contributed $21,732.93 <br />MC Housing Authority contributed $ 8,650.96 <br />Total moving costs $52,263.33 <br />As with many projects, these conclusions are not desirable but become a resolution to move to <br />the next challenge. If you have need to discuss the claims, I will coordinate a meeting between <br />Ra.ndy Curtis, you and me. <br />haclaim2 <br />