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Elyn Lyon <br />October 15, 1997 <br />Page Two <br />Marion County, as of April 15, 1982. Attorneys are retained through the Office of <br />Legal Counsel, and arrangements are memorialized in letters such as I have provided <br />with this memorandum. Marion County's administrative policies and procedures <br />concerning contracting acknowledges this. Section 2 of that administrative policy <br />states that the Board of Commissioners can authorize the Legal Counsel to contract <br />for services outside of the contract review process for unique and specialized matters. <br />This approach has been, as I mentioned, applied historically to the retention of legal <br />counseL <br />I trust that this information will be sufficient to process the Miller, Nash <br />invoices for payment. If there are any questions or reservations from anyone, please <br />let me know. I solemnly promise to respond promptly. <br />MJH:at <br />Attachments <br />courthou\elyn.mem <br />