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'02-~~-sa io:oz ~~~~ 22~ ni~~ <br />~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ <br />M~LLE79. NABH, W!EI'gq, MAt~R 8 CAFLEEN ll,p ~ A T T O A M E t~ 8 A 7 i, A V1 <br />Nt,S. A1]178 l~l., pay't]e <br />3tILLER NASH <br />-2- <br />Froject management and analytical costs (1!~ cstim~ted to i~e <br />associated with tank removal) <br />DEQ Tank Registration Fe~s <br />Total <br />February 5, 1 g99 <br />719.65 <br />255_C1Q <br />$6,548.6~ <br />Secand, the soil reinoval cvsts for wtuch the ~aunty has rs~uested reimbius~mcnt <br />are costs were c~nsidered part of tk~e ta~ ~e~QVat project, wirela~ed to the ~eneral <br />remediation of the site that was as~umed by Marion Cauniy. Con,tr~ry to Chevran's <br />understanding, the soil contaminatian near the waste ~+il tank v~vas z,ot caused by the ne~li~ence of <br />the ~ounty's contraetor, but rath~r, was due ta Chevrox~'~ tp zde~tty~'y its abandoned UST. <br />The County's cantractor relied upon izz~oztnation prQVid~d by ~hevran reg~rrcirng th~ Iocation of <br />USTs, and tller~fare, punctured the subject t~.nk during excavation. The tan.k was or~ly six inches <br />bel~w the surface, and cansequently, when it ivas ptulctured approximately 300 gallons of oiI <br />spilled 'uito the surraunding sazl. Accozdin,gly, tk~e soil removal cvsis ar~ atttihutable ta th~ t~nk <br />remova1 ~xoject ar~d t,t~at total cost shou.Id be 6ome by Chevron. <br />Natwithstanding the Couzzty'$ bolie.f t(~at ii is entit~ed ta fuIl reimbi~.rsement of all <br />of its costs, it is interes#od in reso~vin~ this inattcr ~vithout fi~rther clispute or litigation. <br />Therefore, th~ County has authorizsd zn~ to of..fer to settle this matter t~~ splitting the t~ifferenee <br />between the County's dcmand and Ck~evron's Q~fer, or in other r~vords the sum oF $11,549.50. <br />P~case 1ct rne know as soon a~ possil~ie wve~her Chevron wzll accept this prt~~ased <br />compromise. <br />V txuly yaurs, <br />~ <br />~ <br />erry B. Hodson <br />