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' <br />' <br />What type of records did the County and Transit provide to local media for the articles on <br />' Courthouse Square? <br />All Transit Board and County Commission meetings are open to the public. The Transit <br />' District sends a copy of its entire monthly Board packet including minutes of the previous <br />month's meeting to the local press. A reading of the minutes should have provided much of the <br />documentation of the issues related to Courthouse Square since November 1995. <br />, During the course of the coverage by the press both the County and the Transit District <br />received requests for documents undefthe Public Records Law. Both Marion County and the <br />' Transit District opened their files to the media. Transit made copies of 289 pages of documents <br />and wi~.'~held none. Marion County withheld a limited number of documents tha~ are subject to <br />~ attorney-client privilege. <br />Marion County provided more than 300 e-mails. The Transit DistricYs e-mail system <br />~ was operational for less than a month when the records were requested. The Transit District hazd <br />copies e-mail which should go into project files and does not save e-mails. <br />~ Both Andersen-Wyckoff and Curtis have cooperated with members of the press in <br />answering questions relating to any Transit District or county issues and Courthouse Square in <br />particular. <br />' <br />(Support information: Tab 2~ <br />, <br />' S:\6~BOD~BIue Book Rev <br />