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Financial- Standard and Poor's (1-2 Files)
CS_Courthouse Square
Financial- Standard and Poor's (1-2 Files)
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9/19/2012 3:39:33 PM
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9/8/2011 9:39:17 AM
Financial- Standard and Poor's (1-2 Files)
Marion County
Courthouse Square
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Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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~~ <br />. .. _.~,~y.~.::. <br />FINANCIAL INFORMATION <br />In developing, evaluating and modifying the County's accamting and repoRing system, consideration has <br />bcen given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. . <br />~ The County's systcm of ipternal controls is designcd to provide t+easonable assurancx that assets are safo- <br />guarded against loss from unauthoriud use or dispositioa, utd t~t .the fma~cial records used in PnP~nB <br />financial statemcnts and maintaining accountability of assots are reliable. Z'he c~ncxpt of reasonable assurance <br />recognius that the cost of the control should not cxcad. the benefit derived and that the evaluation of costs and <br />ben~ts requires estimates and judgments by managemeat. <br />In order to provide credible and timely informarion in t6e ma~ ~cieat maoner possible, aa~unting policies, <br />proceduras and systems, along with related interual controls, a~+e being ceostantly monitond and revised, where <br />necessary, to meet changing rcquirements. <br />Sinale Audit <br />As a recipient of federal and state financisl acsistance, t6e Cowmty is nspons~'ble for ensuring that ~ adequate <br />internal control struchue is in place. 'I7~is is to ensure complisnx with applicable laws and regulations related <br />to those programs. <br />As part of the County's single sudit requirements, our sudiWrs test the internal contr+nl structure as it nlates <br />to federal financial assistance programs. They also test to determine that the County has complied with applicable <br />laws and regulations. The results of the County's single sudit far the fiscal year ended June 30, 1993 provided <br />no instancas of material wealmesses in the iatemai control strucdu+e a~r significant violations of applicable laws <br />and regulations. <br />Bud~etarv Controis <br />The County's budget is prepared substantially on a modified eccival basis for all budgetod fimds. T6e budget <br />is adopted by the Board of Connty C~nmissioi-ers bY ezPa-di~te c~a8~~, ~. P~~el services, materials <br />and se.rvices, capital outlay, special payments, and contingtacy by ~t within e~ch fund Additional <br />resources and expenditures may be added W t1ze budget during the fiscal year though a supplemental budgd <br />process or by the acceptance of a gant. 'IT~e original and suppltmental budgets require a public budget hearing <br />by the Budget Committee, recommeudation of appmval by the Budget Co~mittx, publication in newspapers, <br />finat public hearings and approval by the Board of County C~nmissioners. Original and supplementai budgets <br />may be changed during the fiscal ye~ar by the use of appropriation traosfers between the legal categorios which <br />are approved by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Budgetary control is maintained at an expenditure category level. Encnmbrances are recorded at the time <br />purchase arders are issued. Parchase orders are initiated by a rcquisitian issued by an appmpriate individual aad • <br />authorized by the purchasing agen~ P~rchase orders and/or wanants thst would result in an over obligation of <br />~ expenditure c,ategory total wiU t~ be issued unless additional ~tia~ions are made ~vailable. ~e <br />expenditure appropriations ~d encumbr~ces laps~ ai the end of the fiscal year. <br />As demonstrated by the exhibits, schedules and statements mcluded in the finaacial section of this report, <br />the County continues to meet its rasponsibility for sound financial msnagemaat <br />GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS <br />The following schedule presents a summary of General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund <br />and Capital Project Fund revenues for the fiscal year ended lune 30, 1993 ~d the amount and percentage of <br />increases and decreases in relation to prior year revenues: <br />xi <br />
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