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Generai Fixed Assets <br />The general fixed assets of the County are those fixed assets used in the performance of general govemmental <br />functions and exclude the fixed asscts of proprietary rype funds. As of June 30, 1993, the general fixed assets <br />of the County were recorded at 540,544,650. This amount represents the estimated original cost of the assets and <br />is considerably less than the estimated replacement value. ~ <br />Debt Administration <br />At June 30, 1993 the County had a number of debt issues outstanding. Tliese issues included ~7,330,000 <br />of general obligation bonds, ~2,OS1,112 of Enterprise Fund bonds, 53,003,819 of notes payable and 5177,626 of <br />interfund loans. Under current state statutes, the County's general obligation bonded debt issuances are subject <br />to a legal limitation based on 2.peacent of total cash value of real and peraonal propert}+. As of June 30, 1993, <br />the County's general obligatian bonded debt, less amounts available in the County's debt service fund, of <br />$1,874,302 was well below the le;gal limit of $145,158,453 and represmts debt per capita of 57.58. <br />Cash Manaaement <br />To obtain maximum retum on invesbments, Marion County pools virhially all funds for invest~nent purposes. <br />These fiunds aze invested ~ in time deposits, State of Oregon Local Government Investtneat Pool, Bankers' <br />Acceptances and other marketable securities. At June 30, 1993, the Treasurer had 2 percent of cash in demand <br />deposits, 7 percent in time deposits, 27 percent in the State of Oregon Local Government Investcnent Pool, and <br />64 percent in other marketable securities. The County eaa-ed interest revenue of 51,474,397 on all investments <br />for the year ended June 30, 1993. <br />The County's inves~nent policy is to minimize risks while maintaining a competitive yield on its investrncnts. <br />The County's bank balances are fully covered by federal depository inswance or by collateral held by one or more <br />of the State's authoriud collateral pool managers in the name of the County. w~ ~~o ~~~a ~a~ c~~ <br />requirements of Oregon law as to collaterali7ation of bank balances. TLe State requins collateral be deposited <br />with a value of 25% of the balances over federal depository insurance. Tlie County monitors its dtposiWry <br />institutions for indications of any situations that could potentially cause loss of County fimds. <br />OTHER INFORMATION <br />Indeaendent Audit <br />The Oregon Revised Statute Section 297.425 requires an audit of the financial records and transactions of <br />all County functions. The sudit and examination shall be made by accountants on the State Board of <br />Accountancy's roster of accountants authorized to conduct municipal audits or by the Secretary of State. This <br />requirement has been met. The Board of County Commissioners has selected the firm of Price Waterhouse as <br />our independent accountants to perform the sudit of the County's combined financial statements. In addition to <br />meeting ffie requirements set out in the statutes, the independent sudit is also designed to me,et the requirements <br />of the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984 and related Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128. 'Ibe <br />auditors' opinion has been included in the financial section of this report. Their reports relating spe.cifically to <br />the single audit are published in a separate report. <br />Awards <br />The Govemment Finance Offtcers Association (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence <br />in Financial Reporting to Marion County, Oregon for its comprehensive annual financial repoR for the fiscal year <br />~ended June 30, 1992. This was the sevet~th consecutive year that the County has received this prestigious award. <br />In order to be awarded a Ctrtificate of Achievement, the County published an easily . readable and efficiently <br />organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report satisfies both generdtly accepted accounting <br />principles and applicable legal requirements. <br />- xiv - <br />