<br />On May 5, 1993, the Msuion County Board of Commissioners approvod a Ioan from the Solid Waste Fund (Enterprise Fund)
<br />to the Community Corrections Fund (Special Revenue Fund) to purchase an upgtaded wtomated information management
<br />system. The loan is payable in twelve quarterly instalimeats of 511,886 plns intercst at 100 base points above the Treasury
<br />Yield Gtirve on the auniversary of the loan. The first installment is due October 1, 1993 aad the interest rste for the first
<br />year is 5 96. Future commitments for the years ending June 30 are as follows:
<br />Principal
<br />Matured
<br />Fiscal Year Outstanding aad paid Outatanding
<br />of maturitv June 30. 1992 durine vesr June 30. 1993
<br />1994 S 47,544 S S 4'7,544
<br />1995 47,544 47,544
<br />1996 47.538 47.538
<br />S~ ~~ s~
<br />Bonds payable and the related changes in such bonds for the year eaded June 30, 1993 are as follows:
<br />,~nterurise Funds Obliaations:
<br />Enterprise Fuads' Obligations consist of:
<br /> Pri ncipal June 30,
<br /> Matured 1993
<br />Fiscal Year Outstaading and paid Outatanding futura
<br />of maturitv
<br />. June 30. 1992 durin¢ vear June 30. 1993 interest
<br />Brooks Communitv Sewer Distric t
<br />General Obligation Debt 1,993 SS,000 S(55,000) s - S -
<br />various interest rates 1994 55,000 55,000 105,493
<br />1995 60,000 60,000 102,027
<br />1996 65,000 65,000 98,188
<br />1997 70,000 70,000 93,962
<br />1998 75,000 75,000 89,343
<br />1999 75,000 75,000 84,317
<br />2000 85,000 85,000 79,255 '
<br />2001 90,000 90,000 73,475
<br />2002 95,000 " 95,000 67,355
<br />2003 100,000 100,000 60,800
<br />2004 110,000 110,000 53,900
<br />2005 115,000 115,000 46,200
<br />2006 125,000 125,000 38,150
<br />2007 130,000 130,000 29,400
<br />2008 140,000 140,000 20,300
<br />2009 150.000 150.000 10.500
<br /> 1,595,000 (55,000) 1,540,000 1,052,665
<br />L.ess unamortized discount (27.792) 1.544 (26.248)
<br /> S 1.567.208 S/53.456) ~ 1.513.752 S 1.052.665
<br />East Salem Service Distri
<br />General Obligation Debt 1993 100,000 ~(100,000) $ - S -
<br />various interest rates 1994 100,000 100,000 15,400
<br />1995 100,000 100,000 11,400
<br />199G 100,000 100,000 7,400
<br />1997 135.000 135,000 2.700
<br /> ~ 535,000 S(100.0001 S 435.000 S 36.900
<br />-22-
<br />