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-~~ <br />NOTE 18 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (CONTINUED): <br />In comection with the solid waste incinention project, the County 6as agroed to pcovide 145,000 tons of acxptable waste <br />to t6e plaat aich year. ?he County seds waste dispostl rates and operatea d~e '~ate Louse' that is used to determine the <br />charges for wlid waste dumping based on the weight and type of wa:te. 11~e County is obli~ated w set aolid waate disposal <br />fees tufficieat W cover required payments to the contractor includin~ the debt service en the bouds aod t6e operatiag <br />wcpeases of the facility as defined ia t6e o~tcact, less any nwenua acxnrod by tlu operawr from electricity geaenti~ aod <br />the sale of eecondary materiais rxra:ovei~ed from the plant. ?6e .County aui iucur a pmdty. as defined ia the eontra~ct, if it <br />fails to da~iva the required tonnage of solid waste. ?he penalty is.equal w~a mar~iotl increase in operating oosts caused <br />by auch deficieacy. The voat to tlre County related to the plmt ia 5353,083 pet mo~h at June 30, 1993. Mrt the amamt is <br />adjustable based on an inde~c. Such coat is included in the acoounts of tbe Solid Waste Fund, an Enterprise Fund.. <br />To ass~re the oonhactor's oompliaaoe witL the contract, the Couaty ~s beao =r~mted a first mort~a~e an the plant and related <br />P~~Y. and sucl~ propaty has beea pladged as sxnrity to sxnre the bond d~li~atioo of dre oontractor. <br />On June 30, 1993 all aPP~Priations lapsed. The County inteads W honor c~srtain purch~ss ordeta, which were issued during <br />5scsl yar 1992-93, and are inclnded in the adopted budget for fiscal yar 1993-94. At June 30. 1993, tbae puz+chsae orders <br />are summari~ed as follows: <br />G~eral Fund <br />Speciil Revenue Funds: <br />Special Jwenile <br />Pubiic Worlcs <br />Meatal Health <br />Health Servixs <br />Dog Control <br />Total <br />S 90,104 <br />S 467 <br />17,686 <br />3,729 <br />300 <br />44.105 66.287 <br />On November 6, 1990. the voters of tl~e Stste of Ongoa approved aa amume4dment W tbe state coastitution W limit the total <br />taxes snd ~overament charges on a prnperty. basai on the property's mark~ value. 'T6a limitstioa of propeioty taaes is w <br />be p6ased in over five years as sbown in the following table. At tbe end of t6e five year pha~o-in, tha ameadmeat limits total <br />school taxes aad charges w 55.00 per 51.000 of e~ch P~P~~Y's reat madc~ value, and toW aoasebool taxes aral c6u~es <br />to 510.00 per 51,000. ~ <br />During the phase-in, the limits aro: <br />TAX LIMIT PHASE-IN <br />for each S 1,000 of property's value <br />FISCAL SCHOOL NONSCHOOL <br />YEAR TA TAXES TOTAL <br />1991-92 S 15.00 S 10.00 ~ S 25.00 <br />1992-93 12.50 10.00 22.50 <br />1993•94 10.00 10.00 20.00 <br />1994-95 7.50 10.00 17.50 <br />1995-96 5.00 10.00 15.00 <br />The County is currently evaluating the effcct of the limitation on its operations and secvioes. The fieancisl impact is aot <br />determinable at the present time. . <br /> <br />. 27 _ <br />